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Mike Norman Economics

Matthew Lynn – Europe’s radical monetary experiment

As the eurozone’s economy sinks, the European Central Bank is thinking big. That’s worrying, says Matthew Lynn. Europe is in a pickle and has run out of ideas, so it might be tempted to give MMT a try, but some European countries are not happy that Germany will be the main benefactor again. Will MMT go mainstream? The ECB can’t cut interest rates any more and it has already bought up almost all the bonds it is allowed to. If it wants to go any further then it needs to come up with...

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Former UK police officers share their views on XR and the climate crisis | Extinction Rebellion

Why did a police officer get himself arrested? And what do the police really think about Extinction Rebellion? Film by @RubberRepublic From concern about what the police's role might be in a Climate ravaged future, to anxiety over their offspring’s disappearing futures, we uncover the emotion and truth of the police’s relationship with the groundbreaking climate movement. [embedded content]

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Micheal Savage – Trump told Theresa May he doubted Russia was behind Skripal poisoning

The US president reportedly disputed UK’s ‘overwhelming evidence’ of Russian involvement in Salisbury attack Donald Trump disputed that Russia was behind the attempted murder of a former Russian spy in a tense call with Theresa May, it has emerged. Despite the widespread conclusion that Vladimir Putin’s regime was behind the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia last year, the US president is said to have spent 10 minutes expressing his doubts about Russian involvement....

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Commodification is of the essence of capital. It can be a force for good, as proponents of the price mechanism as the solution to all problems claim, or not, as Marx & Engels objected based on alienation. Chris Dillow comments.Stumbling and MumblingON COMMODIFICATIONChris Dillow | Investors Chronicle

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Ramanan — The Cambridge Political Economy Society Digital Archive

I came across the CPES digital archive today. It has scans of papers which aren’t available elsewhere. There’s an interesting article Causes Of Growth And Recession In World Trade, there by Francis Cripps, in which he describes the Cambridge Keynesian idea of achieving balanced trade, because nations face a balance-of-payments constraint: The Case for Concerted ActionThe Cambridge Political Economy Society Digital ArchiveV. Ramanan

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The Falcon Lands: CIA Interference in Australian Politics (2014)

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. Did the CIA interfere in 1970s Australian politics? Former US intelligence operative and convicted spy, Christopher Boyce, tells his story to Australia’s Dateline program. Boyce’s intervention was made famous by Hollywood’s theatrical release of The Falcon and the Snowman. Boyce reveals covert US ‘regime change’ operations in Australia which would eventually removed the Labour Prime Minister from power, as Washington...

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Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)—A Response to Henwood

by Nathan Tankus, Rohan Grey, Scott Ferguson, and Raúl Carrillo Neither a Job Guarantee nor a Green New Deal will be won without brave, strong social movements. When it comes to building these movements, we joyfully follow the leadership of more capable community organizers and politicians. But to pass and administer the policies we all desire deeply, we think the left must embrace MMT. In doing so, we’ll finally bury “sound finance” (including ‘socialist’ sound finance) and, with it, the...

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Pepe Escobar – We are all hostages of 9/11

Here's another one for you. Three days after 9/11, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that in June 2001, German intelligence warned the CIA that Middle East terrorists were “planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture.” In August 2001, President Putin ordered Russian intel to tell the US government “in the strongest possible terms” of imminent attacks on airports and government buildings, MSNBC revealed in an...

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