by Nathan Tankus, Rohan Grey, Scott Ferguson, and Raúl Carrillo Neither a Job Guarantee nor a Green New Deal will be won without brave, strong social movements. When it comes to building these movements, we joyfully follow the leadership of more capable community organizers and politicians. But to pass and administer the policies we all desire deeply, we think the left must embrace MMT. In doing so, we’ll finally bury “sound finance” (including ‘socialist’ sound finance) and, with it, the...
Read More »Jake Johnson – Eye-Popping’: Analysis Shows Top 1% Gained $21 Trillion in Wealth Since 1989 While Bottom Half Lost $900 Billion
"The top one percent owns nearly $30 trillion of assets while the bottom half owns less than nothing." Common Dreams Jake Johnson - Eye-Popping': Analysis Shows Top 1% Gained $21 Trillion in Wealth Since 1989 While Bottom Half Lost $900 Billionrue
Read More »Pepe Escobar – We are all hostages of 9/11
Here's another one for you. Three days after 9/11, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that in June 2001, German intelligence warned the CIA that Middle East terrorists were “planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture.” In August 2001, President Putin ordered Russian intel to tell the US government “in the strongest possible terms” of imminent attacks on airports and government buildings, MSNBC revealed in an...
Read More »Pepe Escobar – Afghanistan and the CIA Heroin Ratline
Liberals and lefties don't like conspiracy theories all that much because we like to see the evidence, but that doesn't mean to say that we don't question, wonder, or discuss these things, although without the facts we can never be sure. I trust Pepe Escobar, though, so I I'm putting this out for discussion. If true, the CIA and its backers in Washington are one hell of a criminal outfit. The Persian Gulf harbors an array of extremely compromising secrets. Near the top is the Afghan heroin...
Read More »Links — 4 Oct 2019
Popular ResistanceHong Kong: Hoodlums Are Not Heroes And Hooliganism Is Not A Movement For Democracy Kevin ZeeseZero HedgeUndercover Cops Badly Beaten As Hong Kong Protesters Rampage Over 'Anti-Mask' LawTyler Durden Reminiscence of the Future I Am Not Surprised At All. Andrei Martyanov Oilprice.comRussia’s Largest Oil Company [Rosneft] Ditches Dollar In New Oil Deals Tsvetana Paraskova CounterpunchCapitalism’s Triumph: Labor Rights Violated in Every Country on Earth Pete Dolack...
Read More »Real World Economics Review — Modern monetary theory and its critics
Introduction: Whither MMT? 2The editors Alternative paths to modern money theory 5 L. Randall Wray Initiating a parallel electronic currency in a eurocrisis country – why it would work 23 Trond Andresen An MMT perspective on macroeconomic policy space 32 Phil Armstrong Monetary sovereignty is a spectrum: modern monetary theory and developing countries 46 Bruno Bonizzi, Annina Kaltenbrunner and Jo Michell Are modern monetary theory’s lies “plausible lies”? 62 David Colander...
Read More »Fed extends repo operations. That’s bad news.
More disruption in the near-term.
Read More »China’s Corrupt Meritocracy — Yuen Yuen Ang
This is a useful post, but it errs inso far as it implies that reducing the power of the CCP and going to a more liberal model would reduce corruption. This has not been the case in the West, where there is also a symbiotic relationship between politicians and business and finance. This doesn't change by making what is fundamentally unethical legal, and corruption is also invited by a double standard of justice, lax oversight, and penalties that do not deter but rather are booked as...
Read More »“Avoiding Plutocracy Would Require a Political Change”: Branko Milanovic on the Future of Capitalism — Asher Schechter
In an interview with ProMarket, CUNY Graduate Center economist Branko Milanovic discussed the differences and similarities between US-style and China-style capitalism and explained why, without major reforms, liberal capitalism could lead to plutocracy. "Could lead" or "has led"? While I generally like Branko Milanovic's work, I think his analysis of "capitalism" is fundamentally misguided since it is based on a Western-biased view of economics and political theory. So-called...
Read More »Trump promotes private Medicare coverage, drawing contrast with Democrats’ health care plans — Rachel Roubein
Are you ready for limited provider networks?PoliticoTrump promotes private Medicare coverage, drawing contrast with Democrats' health care plans Rachel RoubeinSee also Medicare Advantage plans are also a terrible waste of public dollars. They have overcharged Medicare by $30 billion in the past three years alone. Angry BearTrump’s Executive Order is Backdoor Privatization of Medicare
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