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Mike Norman Economics

China pollution

Bad China!!! China has NO place to criticize the US. They continue to be the biggest polluter in the world. China produces 25% of the world’s carbon, and over 2/3 more carbon than us. Last year their carbon emissions grew at the fastest rate in the past seven years.— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) September 23, 2019

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Trump Troll

Can it get any better? I don't see how...She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2019

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Larry Elliott – John McDonnell pledges shorter working week and no loss of pay

Shadow chancellor sets out plan to end in-work poverty and cut working week to 32 hours Larry Elliott is one of the few people at the Guardian who's still on the left. He was always anti the EURO and now we know he was right.Productivity has greatly gone up over the years, but pay and hours worked hasn't changed, says John McDonnell. All the gains have gone to the wealthy.The Confederation of British Businesses say we can't afford a cut in the working week, and I guess they will cite that's...

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Ben Norton – Bomb-plotting extremist American soldier tried to join US-backed neo-Nazi militia in Ukraine

A far-right US soldier arrested by the FBI for plotting domestic bomb attacks sought to join Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which was directly armed and advised by the American government A far-right soldier in the United States Army has been arrested by the FBI for plotting bomb attacks targeting American media outlets and Democratic politicians. The shocking arrest of the US soldier is the latest example in a long list of cases of what intelligence agencies refer to as...

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Johann Hari – Why Basic Income Is a Mental Health Issue

Canadian researcher Dr. Evelyn Forget says guaranteed income “works as an antidepressant.” At junior school they told us a story about how the Sun and the Wind wagered over who could get a man to take his coat off. You may have seen it as a children's cartoon. The Wind blew and blew, but the man just held hard into his coat, and then it was the Sun's turn and he made the world sunny and warm and the man glady took his coat off. One tried to force the man and it didn't work, but the other...

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Fergal O’brien – Draghi Says ECB Should Examine New Ideas Like MMT

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said the Governing Council should be open to ideas such as Modern Monetary Theory, while noting they’re closer to fiscal policy and should be directed by governments. “These are objectively pretty new ideas,” Draghi said. “They have not been discussed by the Governing Council. We should look at them, but they have not been tested.” Bloomberg  Fergal O'brien - Draghi Says ECB Should Examine New Ideas Like MMT

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45th Week of the French Protests

An article in the South China Post had an headline saying, The US or Britain might save the Hong Kong protestors, or pigs may fly. I saw a video footage on Twitter where scores of protestors attacked an old man at a subway with clubs and lumps of wood. One protestor got right in front of him and pounded him left and right in the face for a good 30 seconds. It was finished off by a young woman beating him over the head repeatedly with a batton before she run off. He survived in one piece,...

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