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Mike Norman Economics

The Financial Times’ Martin Wolf Discovers that Rentier Capitalism and Financialization Increase Inequality and Hurt Growth — Yves Smith

Finally taking on economic rent, and financial rent in particular. This is not capitalism, which is about productive investment based on risk-taking, but rather rentier oligarchy based on expropriation through rent extraction. Rentiers are free riders on the systems. Martin Wolf uses his Financial Times bully pulpit to attack it before the parasites kill the host (ht Michael Hudson).Naked CapitalismThe Financial Times’ Martin Wolf Discovers that Rentier Capitalism and Financialization...

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Sorrel Neuxx – What we don’t hear about Tibet

While the world moralises over China's occupation, feudalism and abuse in Tibetan culture has been conveniently forgotten This was written in 2013, so I doubt if you would ever read anything like it today now the Guardian has been taken over by MI5, according to recent reports. The Guardian today regularly puts out anti-Chinese propaganda.When I was youger, I would regularly go to my local Buddhist centre to practice Buddhism. But its nihilism, along with being dispassionate, losing...

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Ed Jones – Five reasons why we don’t have a free and independent press in the UK and what we can do about it

Britain's press is controlled by the same networks of people as run everything else. Is it really free? A really good article saying about how much of our media is controlled by oligarchs. If the truth were known, Corbyn would be well ahead in the polls. For instance, if people knew about what was happening in Yemen and how the Tory Party is complicit in that genocide, how many people would still vote for them?  MI5 and the CIA routinely influence and pay journalists to put out...

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Rick Sanchez – Huge! China ready to dump Boeing

The Trump administration has really upset China, which is now trying to become much more independent.China will soon be flying more planes than the US and Europe, so it will be a massive loss for Boeing and Airbus if China develops its own planes.Rick Sanchez says that Boeing is so linked to the US government that it is almost a state owned industry.China is Boeing’s top client country by far. But now China is getting ready to make their own planes, potentially disrupting the Boeing-Airbus...

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Links — 18 Sep 2019

The American Conservative To End Endless Wars, We Must Give Up Hegemony Daniel Larison Reminiscence of the FutureSic Transit Gloria Mundi. Some News. Andrei Martyanov The NationWill Russia Be Driven From the West? Stephen F. Cohen | Professor Emeritus of Russian Studies, History, and Politics at New York University and Princeton UniversityAntiWarTrump Makes Another Bad Choice for National Security Advisor Daniel Larison Yahoo NewsExclusive: Russia carried out a 'stunning' breach of FBI...

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GSEs loan sharking

Oh this is just too good....LOL!!! I guess they "never read the MMT literature!" where they would have learned they only should ask for a basis point above FFR!!! Two government-backed financial giants, Fannie Mae and the Federal Home Loan Banks, both stepped up their repo lending at higher rates on Tuesday, according to people familiar with the matter.  The home-loan banks, a network of government-backed lenders, were offering to lend overnight at 4% Tuesday morning, twice the recent...

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