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Mike Norman Economics

Europe alcohol deaths

300k dead from booze 4x US drug ODs... Everybody drunk or on drugs...  causes labor shortages and reduces growth... JG won't help... #RealTermsAlcohol killed 291,000 people in 30 European countries in 2016, more than 10 times the number of deaths caused by traffic accidents in the EU that year. The U.S. opioid epidemic only kills about a quarter as many people every year— Bloomberg Opinion (@bopinion) September 14, 2019

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Trump has badly misread China’s hand

This guy gets it wrong about printing money and the national debt (another video), but this is very interesting: US companies do very well in China selling a lot of services, which almost counters the trade imbalance.Donald Trump has been dialing up the tariffs and the rhetoric around the ongoing trade spat with China. Yet Xi Jingping has held a firm line and has been unwilling to fold to increasing pressure from the US. Donald Amstad from Aberdeen Standard Investments believes that Trump...

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Umar Haque – How Capitalism Made Americans Poor, and Socialism Made Europeans Rich

Capitalism Doesn’t Make Us Rich, and Socialism Doesn’t Make Us Poor — Socialism Makes Us Rich, and Capitalism Makes Us Poor.  I agree with Umar, social democracy (he calls it socialism) has liberated Europeans. The liberty Ron Paul talks about is the freedom of the few to be able to exploit and enslave the many.  In Europe, though, the story was very, very different. Socialism, not capitalism, organized the provision of the essentials of life — and both paid people fairly and...

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Why the Protestors of Hong Kong Are Destroying the Prosperity of Their Country — Martin Seiff

Martin Sieff is exactly right on this IMHO, recalling his boyhood experience in Belfast as precedent. The protestors and West believes that Hong Kong is a vital resource for China, but they apparently do not realize that this is no longer so. Hong Kong's contribution to the Chinese economy has shrunk greatly, and China has already been planning to replace it with Shanghai as a financial center, as it use to be, and other centers on the mainland. Reports reveal that Hong Kong is already...

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The Pivot To Fiscal? — Brian Romanchuk

The final Mario Draghi press conference had him underlining the importance of fiscal policy. Since I am supposed to be working on my slides for my presentation in the panel "MMT: Who is Listening?", one might argue that it looks like a lot of people. However, it is unclear how significant the shift in opinion is from a practical perspective.... Bond Economics The Pivot To Fiscal?Brian Romanchuk

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Intel update

Spiegel Online (Germany)'If I Happen to Fall out of a Window, You Can Be Sure I Was Pushed'Martin Knobbe and Jörg Schindler interview Edward Snowden in RussiaSputnik InternationalSputnik International Edward Snowden Opens Up About His Life in RussiaThe Guardian (UK)I was very much a person the most powerful government in the world wanted to go away’ Interview by Ewen MacAskill, video by Laurence Topham Sputnik InternationalPermanent Record: Edward Snowden Sounds the Alarm on ‘Greatest...

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Links — 13 Sep 2019

Checkpoint AsiaThe US Massively Underestimates the Trade War Blowback Robert Berke Politico Israel accused of planting mysterious spy devices near the White House Daniel Lippman Sputnik InternationalHuawei Developing Its Own Tech Solutions to Offset Sanctions Grasping RealityWeekend Reading: Charles Kindleberger: Anatomy of a Typical Financial Crisis Brad DeLong | Professor of Economics, UCAL BerkeleyThe Unassuming EconomistManufacturing Jobs and Inequality: Why is the U.S. Experience...

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How Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) Actually Works (w/ Warren Mosler)

Modern Monetary Theory has become a hot topic of discussion. But is it well understood? In this interview with Real Vision’s Ed Harrison, Warren Mosler, the founder of MMT, describes exactly what Modern Monetary Theory is, and how the framework can be utilized. Particularly interesting is Mosler’s ambivalence about the political furor enveloping MMT. He sees the economic framework as more descriptive of monetary operations than prescriptive of policy. Mosler also outlines why MMT’s...

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No More Economic Malpractice: African-American Faith Leaders Take On The Establishment — Delman Coates

MMT to the rescue. Sojourners No More Economic Malpractice: African-American Faith Leaders Take On The Establishment Delman Coates See also VOXA generation of economists helped get us into this mess. A new generation can get us out. Jared Bernstein | Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and former Chief Economist and Economic Adviser to Vice President Joe Biden in the Obama Administration

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