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Mike Norman Economics

Links — 1 Sep 2019

RT‘All of us are in danger’: John Pilger delivers a chilling warning from Julian Assange Zero HedgeHK Security Chief Says Police Battling "Elements Of Terror" - For First Time Echoing Mainland Tyler Durden Moon of AlabamaHong Kong Rioters Wage Sabotage Campaign To Press Congress Into Punishing China Sic Semper Tyrannis"The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act" Dennis Kwok Dennis Kwok Zero HedgeChina's Xinhua Issues Ultimatum: "End Is Coming" For Hong Kong ProtestersTyler...

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What Makes Guernica So Shocking? An Animated Video Explores the Impact of Picasso’s Monumental Anti-War Mural — Colin Marshall

What emotion did you feel the first time you saw Picasso's Guernica? I was blown away. I was about 22 or 23 at the time, a grad student at Columbia on my first visit to the Museum of Modern Art. I revised that picture often.I had seen reproductions on a much smaller scale and knew the background but this didn't prepare for the real thing. The size makes the experience exceptionally powerful.And this was before Vietnam radicalized me.War is truly hell.Open CultureWhat Makes Guernica So...

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Russia’s Turn to the East and the New Geopolitical World — Timofei Bordachev

This week, Vladivostok, Russia is hosting the 5th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF), an event which is the largest of its kind in terms of attendance, which will attract Russia’s top politicians and their Asian counterparts. This year, the forum will be attended by the heads of state and government of India, Malaysia, Mongolia and Japan, who will participate in a panel discussion alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin. The forum is unique in that it is a product of the new Russia, rather...

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Dan Cohen – Behind a made-for-TV Hong Kong protest narrative, Washington is backing nativism and mob violence

Hong Kong’s increasingly xenophobic protests are devolving into chaos with help from US government regime-change outfits and a right-wing local media tycoon with close ties to hardliners in Washington. Plenty of video footage here of the protestors beating up paramedics (who are trying to help people), the police, civilians, or anyone who gets in their way. No other country would put up with this level of violence on its streets. The Western media isn't showing this, or telling the...

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Bill Mitchell — An MMT-Green New Deal and the financial markets – Part 1

Next week, I am attending a meeting which I hope will finalise discussions I have been having with some key prospective partners in putting together a major MMT-Green New Deal initiative in Australia which will have global ramifications. It will bring together MMT with climate action and indigenous rights interests. We propose to begin a ‘roadshow’ in November to start our campaign. Our discussions to date have been very productive and we will issue a ‘White Paper’ in the coming months to...

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Phil Miller – The British Army’s Secret Plan to Shoot Protesters in Hong Kong in the 80s

The British Army of the 1980s was willing to control riots by shooting people. Now VICE can reveal a secret army file, which shows how British soldiers planned to deal with unrest when Hong Kong was still a British colony in the 1980s. The file, discovered at the National Archives, shows that the British army's plans to handle a similar situation were actually much worse. While the Chinese police used tear gas, the British Army would have preferred bullets. Vice Phil Miller - The...

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Max Blumenthal on the US legacy in Honduras: migrant crisis, political murders, narco-President

Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté' talk about the US coups in Latin America. The ruling elite are filled with gangsters, but people still vote for them believing that as they are the establishment then they must be honorable. They believe that they uphold law and order but that is far from the truth.Back from Honduras, The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal discusses the impact of US meddling over the last decade: a narco-President, Juan Orlando Hernández, recently named as a co-conspirator in a drug...

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Rick Sanchez explains why RT America is winning!

Rick Sanchez gives an excellent lecture at the Ron Paul Institute. Very anti - imperialism and anti - war.Rick Sanchez delivers a wide-ranging address to the Ron Paul Institute wherein draws from his wealth of personal experience to discuss Washington’s age-old interventionist foreign policy, the complicity of the establishment media, censorship and political bias in the corporate news, the military-industrial complex, the role of the foreign press and more. [embedded content]

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