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Mike Norman Economics

Dr. Shelton Remains Outspoken: She Should Have Known Better —David Glassner

David Glassner lays the smackdown on Fed-goldbug Judy Shelton for failing to understand the basics of currency manipulation when they have been explained to her.Of course, President Trump has even less of an idea than his appointee, but in fairness he is not a PhD economist working in the field that expected to know about this matter in great detail.Uneasy MoneyDr. Shelton Remains Outspoken: She Should Have Known Better David Glasner | Economist at the Federal Trade Commission

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Powell saying this week that IOR is here to stay as a permanent policy...  potential board nominee (Sally Field???) perhaps saying otherwise... Important: Chair Powell just did a major defense of IOER (interest on excess reserves). Trump Fed nominee Judy Shelton says her No. 1 priority is to get rid of IOER.Powell: "This is our principal tool for implementing monetary policy: IOER." #Fed — Heather Long (@byHeatherLong) July 10, 2019 Unqualified Journo throws in the...

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Fed Minutes

They are at least understanding the current effect of volatility in the Treasury General Account  causing fluctuation in Reserve Asset levels at the depositories...Though not yet mentioning the effect this same volatility is causing in other depository system regulatory ratios... I guess they might say "not their job"...  “Money market rates generally stabilized at modestly lower levels over the intermeeting period, likely re- flecting both the technical adjustment in the interest on excess...

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Against Political Slander — Ivan Ilyin

Originally published in German in the Neues Winterhurer Tagblatt in Switzerland, where Ilyin was living after having fled Nazi Germany, it’s notable for a couple of reason: first, for the manner in which the supposedly ‘fascist’ Ilyin passionately defends Swiss democracy and describes himself as a ‘democrat’; and second for its subject matter – political slander – which he depicts as dangerous for any democratic system. ‘If anybody tells an honest worker, who speaks out for justice and the...

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De-Dollarizing the American Financial Empire — Bonnie Faulkner interviews Michael Hudson

The post is more about super-imperialism and neo-colonialism than de-dollarization. De-dollarization is a reaction to super-imperialism and neo-colonialism, just as previously there was a reaction to imperialism and colonialism. Michael Hudson — On Finance, Real Estate And The Powers Of NeoliberalismDe-Dollarizing the American Financial EmpireBonnie Faulkner interviews Michael Hudson, President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial...

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Links — 7.11.19

Moon of AlabamaIran Keeps Calm While U.S. And Britain Continue Their ProvocationsRussia ObserverRUSSIAN FEDERATION SITREP 11 JULY 2019Patrick Armstrong Sputnik InternationalUS Seeks to Use Space As Theatre of War, Refuses Discussion with Russia – Russian General Staff The Moscow TimesRussia Approves ‘Shortest’ Europe-China Highway – Reports

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Max Keiser and Steve Keen – Too poor to survive (E1408)

The libertarians and gold bugs are going to love the first half of this one. Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert say that since the U.S came off the gold standard the world has become awash with debt. First of all, the third world got taken over by the Western bankers by issuing loans to them (John Perkins, Economic Hit Man), and when that run out of traction, they turned inward towards the American economy instead.I do believe fiat money is an amazing idea but it needs to be heavily regulated, or...

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