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Socialdem. 21st Century

The Single Best Argument against Anarcho-Capitalism

The anarcho-capitalism system proposed by Murray Rothbard requires the abolition of government and the privatisation of all property and every service in society.For example, the anarcho-capitalism system abolishes the state and all state-based criminal law, and there would no longer be any criminal laws at all (see here and here).Under anarcho-capitalism, property rights become almost absolute, except for when someone may sue in private civil litigation under a system of private torts.Apart...

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Kalecki’s “Political Aspects of Full Employment”

Michał Kalecki’s paper “Political Aspects of Full Employment” (1943) is an interesting paper.Kalecki first notes that most economists had by 1943 come to accept that governments can crate full employment by aggregate demand management and by central bank control of the interest rate (Kalecki 1943: 322–323).But then Kalecki notes that the political opposition to full employment policies had been quite severe in the 1930s, and makes this rather remarkable statement:“There are, however, even...

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Tibet versus Sweden: A Simple Test

Here is a simple thought experiment by which we can discover how reasonable a person is.Case 1: Tibet Imagine the native people of Tibet whose ancestors have lived in Tibet for hundreds, if not thousands of years. We can take a poll of all people in Tibet and discover the following:(1) the majority of the people of Tibet regard Tibet as the homeland of the Tibetan people, but(2) at the same time they are perfectly willing to accept a reasonable number of migrants and refugees and even ethnic...

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Bob Rowthorn on National Identity and Neoliberal Capitalism

Bob Rowthorn, a former Marxist and left heterodox economist, puts his finger on one of the most important issues in the world today, even though he wrote this in 2003:“In both scale and speed, the transformation [sc. by mass immigration into Europe] that is now underway is without precedent. Britain is not alone in this respect. Many countries in Western Europe are undergoing a similar change in their ethnic and cultural composition through immigration and differential fertility, and in many...

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Truth Relativism is a Disease of the Mind

… and it infects many people on the Left, often via the intellectual poison of Postmodernism. There is a simple antidote to this nonsense: if you do not believe objective empirical truth exists, then how can you ever say or imply that neoclassical or Austrian economic theories are objectively false? Or if that does not get through, try this: is it not an objective historical truth that the Holocaust happened? And if you still deny it is an objective empirical truth, then why do you think it...

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The Old Left and Mass Immigration

The Old Left – before the 1960s New Left and post-1980s Postmodernist Left – was, generally speaking, strongly opposed to mass immigration, and for good reasons. The modern Left has forgotten this, and it is a terrible shame that many modern Leftists cannot take lessons from the past.But some good work is available. See Ha-Joon Chang in his book 23 Things they Don’t Tell you about Capitalism (Bloomsbury Press, London, 2011), and Dean Baker’s The Conservative Nanny State: How the Wealthy use...

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When Multiculturalism means Undermining Democracy Itself

That is the state of affairs in Britain today, as it made clear by a UK government report headed by Sir Eric Pickles, as reported here, here, and here, reporting on the widespread voting fraud and corruption within certain immigrant ethnic communities in Britain.The original report is here.Of the worst abuses is the systematic misuse of postal voting:“70. Postal voting on demand attracted the greatest degree of comment from respondents. It was considered by some to be the UK’s main electoral...

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The Anarcho-Capitalist Vision for America

What would an anarcho-capitalist America run on lines imagined by Rothbard or Hoppe look like? We have their vision described here, here, and here.On the one hand, it would be an economic catastrophe, as the mixed capitalist economy that has been the foundation of US prosperity since the 1940s would be destroyed, and a depression would ensure. As all barriers to trade and capital movement would be removed, the collapse of manufacturing and industry would be accelerated as free trade under...

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Chomsky: Many Postmodernist Ideas “Pure Nonsense”

In fact, he goes so far as to say he doesn’t even consider some Postmodernist ideas or criticisms even left-wing at all. Chomsky also refers to Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont’s book Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals’ Abuse of Science (New York, 1998), which tears to pieces the charlatanry of the Postmodern attack on the natural sciences.See the video:[embedded content]Chomsky is correct. Postmodernism was an invasive, disastrous blight on the left, overthrowing a lot of important...

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