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Socialdem. 21st Century

Why Leave the Immigration Debate to Libertarians?

What happens when you leave the case against mass immigration or even against plain illegal immigration to libertarians?:[embedded content]As you can see, they will push their absurd libertarian narrative, with small government, toxic free market capitalism, and anti-welfare state positions, and in the process giving an unjustified credibility to these views, just because they correctly speak for many people’s strong feelings against mass immigration.As usual, the stupid cultural left is...

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Alexander Hamilton on US Nationalism

Here is Alexander Hamilton, one of the American founding fathers, discussing his view that the United States needed strong social cohesion through nationalism:“The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizens from foreign bias, and prejudice; and on that love of country which will almost invariably be found to be closely connected with birth, education, and family.The opinion...

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Anarchopac on the Old Left

Here:[embedded content]Yes, it is true that the Old Left was, broadly speaking, socially conservative, and certainly by modern standards. They did have their Bohemian fringe as well, however.But it remains true, for example, that, as late as the time of Clement Attlee’s premiership in Britain, the UK Labour party continued to support the illegality of abortion and homosexual acts, and the government itself did not even abolish the death penalty (despite a movement within the party for the...

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Owen Smith wants the British Labour Party to commit Political Suicide

See here.According to Owen Smith, Labour must be strongly “pro-immigration” even if it means “shedding votes to UKIP.” He’s also going full SJW, apparently endorsing quotas for women and ethnic minorities.What is there even to say about this?This would mean the final collapse of the Labour party into a middle-class, pro-mass immigration, SJW, multiculturalist party – possibly even still pro-EU, despite the Brexit vote, which will all show the final and contemptible betrayal of the working...

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Liberal Lies about America’s Historical Immigration Policy

I am getting a bit tired of American liberals or leftists making up lies about the history of their country in the comments section on American history. These American liberals are saying that America was always open to immigrants from any background whatsoever and always a massive melting-pot that welcomed them as citizens.Now is that true?Why is it, then, that the first United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 says this?:“Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives...

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Gary Johnson: The SJW Libertarian who loves Open Borders

Exhibit A:[embedded content]So here Gary Johnson just repeats the lie that Trump said all Mexicans or all Mexican illegals are rapists, which even Salon admits just wasn’t true.Exhibit B:[embedded content]Oh my god, so national borders and any kind of effective immigration control are “racist”? The very idea that people illegally in your country, who have clearly broken the law, should be deported – even that is unacceptable and “racist”? Isn’t this the same rubbish you’d expect from an...

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The Alt Right: A Quick Overview

Hillary Clinton’s recent speech mentioning the Alt Right has grabbed headlines, and now it seems everyone is talking about the Alt Right. It’s bloody everywhere.The trouble with Clinton’s speech is that she seemed to identify the Alt Right with Breitbart, but Breitbart is Alt Right-lite at best, and not properly representative of the Alt Right. For example, Breitbart is pro-Israel, but the Alt Right is hostile to Israel and extremely anti-Semitic.Moreover, Milo Yiannopoulos (until recently...

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Some Reading on What went Wrong with the Modern Left (Updated)

Here is an updated reading list:Merquior, José Guilherme. 1986. Western Marxism. Paladin, LondonMerquior, Jose Guilherme. 1986. From Prague to Paris: A Critique of Structuralist and Post-Structuralist Thought. Verso, London.Merquior, José Guilherme. 1991. Foucault (2nd edn.). Fontana, London. Jackson, Leonard. 1991. The Poverty of Structuralism: Structuralist Theory and Literature. Longman, London. Windschuttle, Keith. 1994. The Killing of History: How a Discipline is being murdered by...

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