LA TESI-TRUFFA DELLA FINAZIARIZZAZIONE di Stavros Mavroudeas [ venerdì 30 agosto 2019 ] Un articolo duramente polemico questo di Stavros Mavroudeas, professore di Politica Economica presso l’università Panteion di Atene. Conoscemmo Stavros in Grecia come intellettuale e militante attivo della sinistra no-euro ellenica. Duramente polemico con tutti quegli economisti che parlando del capitalismo globale...
Read More »Interview in Press TV News on the ominous signs of a coming new recession 14-8-2019
This is an interview in Press TV News (Stavros Mavroudeas & Steve Keen) on the recent turmoil in financial markets and the ominous signs of a coming new recession in the world economy. With Stev Keen we agreed that the gist of the matter are the unresolved causes of the 2008 crisis. However, we disagreed on its causes (Steve attributing it to deficient demand and private debt, me emphasising the falling profitability). We also disagreed on the subsequent measures used to surpass the...
Read More »News Review Economic growth of 19 member bloc slows in Q2
This is an interview in Press TV News (Stavros Mavroudeas & Steve Keen) on the recent turmoil in financial markets and the ominous signs of a coming new recession in the world economy. With Stev Keen we aggreed that the gist of the matter are the unresolved causes of the 2008 crisis. However, we disaggreed on its causes (Steve attributing it to deficient demand and private debt, me emphasising the falling profitability). We also disaggreed on the subsequent measures used to surpass the 2008...
Read More »News Review Economic growth of 19 member bloc slows in Q2
This is an interview in Press TV News (Stavros Mavroudeas & Steve Keen) on the recent turmoil in financial markets and the ominous signs of a coming new recession in the world economy. With Stev Keen we aggreed that the gist of the matter are the unresolved causes of the 2008 crisis. However, we disaggreed on its causes (Steve attributing it to deficient demand and private debt, me emphasising the falling profitability). We also disaggreed on the subsequent measures used to surpass the...
Read More »La hipótesis de la financiarización y el marxismo: ¿una contribución positiva o un caballo de Troya?”: Stavros Mavroudeas
Traducción Española “La hipótesis de la financiarización y el marxismo: ¿una contribución positiva o un caballo de Troya?”: Stavros Mavroudeas 12 enero, 2019 ~ sankarathomas Introducción La Hipótesis de la Financialización (FH) es un argumento popular en la economía heterodoxa contemporánea, la economía política...
Read More »An interview with Bryan and Rafferty and the fallacies of ‘financialisationism’: Some comments by Stavros Mavroudeas
Recently, I came across an interview with Dick Bryan and Mike Rafferty for the JACOBIN magazine. The interview concerns their analysis of financialisation and it can be accessed in the following web-address: The interview has the telling title ‘How Finance Exploits Us’. It is not coincidence that a book on financialisation by Costas Lapavitsas carries the same title (‘Profiting Without Producing: How...
Read More »Οι εφοπλιστές «πνίγουν» την ακτοπλοϊα – ΠΡΙΝ 28-7-2019
ΠΡΙΝ 28 Ιουλίου 2019 Νο. 1437 Τα μονοπώλια, η ΕΕ και η κρίση Το κέρδος βουλιάζει την ακτοπλοϊα ΑΝΑΛΥΣΗ: Γιάννης Ζησιμόπουλος Ζωτικές οι θαλάσσιες μεταφορές στην Ελλάδα H ακτοπλοΐα έπαιζε πάντα σημαντικό ρόλο στον ελληνικό καπιταλισμό, λόγω των γεωγραφικών ιδιαιτεροτήτων της Ελλάδας. Οι γεωγραφικές αυτές ιδιαιτερότητες αναφέρονται στα περίπου 200 κατοικημένα νησιά, με περισσότερους από 1,4 εκατομμύρια κατοίκους και περίπου 15.000 χιλιόμετρα ακτογραμμής. Ενδεικτικό της...
Read More »4th Industrial Revolution: Myth or Reality?
Below follow the text and the links for downloading of my contribution title ‘The 4th Industrial Revolution: Myth or Reality?’ at the Workshop organized by Union of Economists of Secondary Education Teachers on 15/2/2019 in Thessaloniki Workshop: ‘The Economy on the Horizon of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ Thessaloniki, 15/2/19 ‘’ Stavros Mavroudeas Prof. of Political Economy Panteion University e-mail: [email protected] Abstract The term ‘4th Industrial Revolution’ is...
Read More »«Ο παγκόσμιος καπιταλισμός εμπρός στο 2019: αναταραχές και ανησυχία», Στ. Μαυρουδέας – Τετράδια Μαρξισμού Νο.9 2019
Τετράδια Μαρξισμού Νο.9 2019 Ο παγκόσμιος καπιταλισμός εμπρός στο 2019: αναταραχές και ανησυχία Σταύρος Μαυρουδέας Το τέλος του 2018 και η αρχή του 2019 σημαδεύθηκαν από μία σχεδόν γενικευμένη αναταραχή στις μεγάλες χρηματιστηριακές αγορές αλλά και από απαισιόδοξες προβλέψεις από όλα σχεδόν τα σημαντικά οικονομικά κέντρα της Δύσης. Ενδεικτικά, η Wall Street Journal προβλέπει «λιγότερη μεγέθυνση και περισσότερη αβεβαιότητα» ενώ το ΔΝΤ και η Παγκόσμια Τράπεζα μειώνουν τις προβλέψεις...
Read More »Iran announces further reductions to nuclear commitments
interview in Press TV News regarding the US sanctions, the ICPOA agreement and Iran's increase of nuclear production
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