Tuesday , October 22 2024


Dear friends, this is my last post on this site. Coppola Comment has moved to Substack. You can find the new site here. Why the move? Well, Blogger has become increasingly difficult to use. The code generator is buggy and I constantly have to mess around with the HTML to make posts look half decent. I don't have the time for this nonsense. I just need a nice straightforward CMS that doesn't make my life difficult. Also, those of you who subscribed by email will know that for some time now you have not been receiving email notifications. This is because Google turned off Feedburner. Google helpfully said I could download the email list and do notifications myself using something like mailchimp, but I don't have the time for this, either. I want a platform that manages my subscribers and

Frances Coppola considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:

Mike Norman writes Pepe Escobar —Date With Destiny–BRICS Offers Hope in a Time of War

Robert Vienneau writes Adam Smith On A Labor Theory Of Value

Asad Zaman writes Breaking boundaries in economics: Rediscovering the roots of welfare

Mike Norman writes BRICS plans ‘multi-currency system’ to challenge US dollar dominance: Understanding Russia’s proposal — Ben Norton

Dear friends, this is my last post on this site. Coppola Comment has moved to Substack. You can find the new site here

Why the move? Well, Blogger has become increasingly difficult to use. The code generator is buggy and I constantly have to mess around with the HTML to make posts look half decent. I don't have the time for this nonsense. I just need a nice straightforward CMS that doesn't make my life difficult. 

Also, those of you who subscribed by email will know that for some time now you have not been receiving email notifications. This is because Google turned off Feedburner. Google helpfully said I could download the email list and do notifications myself using something like mailchimp, but I don't have the time for this, either. I want a platform that manages my subscribers and notifications for me. 

I did consider moving to Wordpress, but I've never really got on with that (it's why I used Blogger). And I also considered Patreon for the subscriber side. But Substack meets my needs for the moment. In some ways it is more basic than Blogger, which is frustrating. But they have now added tags, which will make it easier to organise my posts, and they are gradually improving the look of the site. 

This site will remain up and you are welcome to browse all the posts here for free. Comments are now moderated on all posts except this one. 

Posts on the new site are also currently free to read, but from Monday next week, 15th May, some posts will be behind a paywall. You will have the option of only reading free posts or paying a small amount per month or per year to gain access to all posts. 

I do hope lots of you will see my work as sufficiently valuable to warrant a paid subscription, but it is of course entirely up to you. Here's the link to subscribe to my new site, whether paid or free. 


At some point in the next couple of months, Coppola Comment on Substack will move to the CoppolaComment.com domain, and this site will revert to its original blogspot URL. 

Farewell, and I hope to see lots of you on the new site. 

Image is of St. Cuthbert's Island, Northumberland, from Holy Island, at the start of the Easter Vigil, Saturday 8th April 2023.  The bonfire symbolises the death of the old and the start of new life. 

Frances Coppola
I’m Frances Coppola, writer, singer and twitterer extraordinaire. I am politically non-aligned and economically neutral (I do not regard myself as “belonging” to any particular school of economics). I do not give investment advice and I have no investments.Coppola Comment is my main blog. I am also the author of the Singing is Easy blog, where I write about singing, teaching and muscial expression, and Still Life With Paradox, which contains personal reflections on life, faith and morality.

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