Sunday , September 8 2024
Home / Cullen Roche: Pragmatic Capitalism / Ask Me Anything (Comments Open!)

Ask Me Anything (Comments Open!)

We are going to do a new 3 Minute Macro “Ask Me Anything” edition. It should be out next week or so. Please use the comments below to ask me anything and if you ask a really, really good question I’ll include it in the video. Each question will include up to a 3 minute response so anything is fair game. You can also email me here if you prefer that they be privately submitted.

Cullen Roche considers the following as important:

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Cullen Roche writes Understanding the Modern Monetary System – Updated!

Cullen Roche writes We’re Moving!

Cullen Roche writes Has Housing Bottomed?

Cullen Roche writes The Economics of a United States Divorce

We are going to do a new 3 Minute Macro “Ask Me Anything” edition. It should be out next week or so.

Please use the comments below to ask me anything and if you ask a really, really good question I’ll include it in the video. Each question will include up to a 3 minute response so anything is fair game.

You can also email me here if you prefer that they be privately submitted.

Cullen Roche
Former mail delivery boy turned multi-asset investment manager, author, Ironman & chicken farmer. Probably should have stayed with mail delivery....

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