Friskolefusket — nu får det vara nog! Swedish school system has somewhat oddly combined market principles such as decentralization, choice, competition, and corporate providers with an evaluation system that is highly trust-based and where teacher-set school grades are high-stakes for the students. This means that both students and schools have incentives to game a system that is easy to game and the findings suggest that the integrity of the evaluation system has been compromised. The results show that all groupings of free schools set higher grades than municipal schools when controlling for student achievement on national tests. As the national tests are locally graded, they are not fully reliable and the differences between public and private
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Friskolefusket — nu får det vara nog!
Swedish school system has somewhat oddly combined market principles such as decentralization, choice, competition, and corporate providers with an evaluation system that is highly trust-based and where teacher-set school grades are high-stakes for the students. This means that both students and schools have incentives to game a system that is easy to game and the findings suggest that the integrity of the evaluation system has been compromised. The results show that all groupings of free schools set higher grades than municipal schools when controlling for student achievement on national tests. As the national tests are locally graded, they are not fully reliable and the differences between public and private providers are more pronounced when more reliable tests are used to control for achievement.
To some extent, the differences in grading standards between municipal and free schools can be accounted for by differences in location and student demographics. Even after holding such factors constant, however, grading standards among private providers appear lenient, in particular among schools that belong to two of the large corporate groups (IES and Kunskapsskolan).
Vi som arbetar inom det svenska utbildningssystemet tycker att det är självklart att det är vi som lärare som ska sätta betyg på det våra elever presterar. Men tyvärr har vi i vårt land — som det enda i världen idag — infört ett friskolesystem som fullständigt kullkastar människors tillit till vårt betygssystem. För att stärka sina positioner på marknaden väljer friskolor systematiskt att sätta glädjebetyg för att falskeligen ge sken av att det i dessa skolor går ut elever med högre kunskaper än i andra. I friskolekoncernernas värld urholkas betygen för att istället bli ett sätt att fuska till sig fördelar på. Värst av alla dessa friskolor har Kunskapsskolan och Internationella Engelska skolan varit .
Dessa skojare och fifflare har alldeles för länge tillåtits underminera svensk skola. Nu är det dags för politikerna — som aktivt och/eller genom ren flathet har gjort denna skandal möjlig i trettio år — att visa lite samhällsansvar och se till att Sverige blir av med den skamfläck som stavas friskolor.