Wow. 16 million hits, and counting. Leave it to Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) to show how to turn a campaign finance primer into a viral video. Certainly the first time a congressional hearing on strengthening ethics rules for the executive branch reached such a huge audience. This is a must-watch clip. I hesitate to add much commentary, as anything I write will likely not add all that much, and might instead only distract from the original.Nonetheless, full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes! I will hazard adding some commentary. I only ask that you watch the clip first. It’ll only take five minutes of your time. Just something to ponder on what I hope for many readers is a lazy, relaxing Sunday. Please watch it, as my commentary will assume you’ve done so. This is a
Mike Norman considers the following as important: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AOC, bribery, Campaign finance, campaign finance reform, corruption, plutonomy, privilege
This could be interesting, too:
Wow. 16 million hits, and counting. Leave it to Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) to show how to turn a campaign finance primer into a viral video. Certainly the first time a congressional hearing on strengthening ethics rules for the executive branch reached such a huge audience. This is a must-watch clip. I hesitate to add much commentary, as anything I write will likely not add all that much, and might instead only distract from the original.Nonetheless, full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes! I will hazard adding some commentary. I only ask that you watch the clip first. It’ll only take five minutes of your time. Just something to ponder on what I hope for many readers is a lazy, relaxing Sunday. Please watch it, as my commentary will assume you’ve done so. This is a
Mike Norman considers the following as important: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AOC, bribery, Campaign finance, campaign finance reform, corruption, plutonomy, privilege
This could be interesting, too:
Robert Skidelsky writes Speech in the House of Lords on Watchdogs 9th of September
run75441 writes A “Summer Rerun – The Victory of Privilege”
Mike Norman writes Congress: War Profiteering Is Real. We Need To End It. Sarah Anderson
Mike Norman writes How the Supreme Court Is Rebranding Corruption — Ciara Torres-Spelliscy
Wow. 16 million hits, and counting. Leave it to Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) to show how to turn a campaign finance primer into a viral video. Certainly the first time a congressional hearing on strengthening ethics rules for the executive branch reached such a huge audience.
This is a must-watch clip. I hesitate to add much commentary, as anything I write will likely not add all that much, and might instead only distract from the original.Nonetheless, full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes! I will hazard adding some commentary.
I only ask that you watch the clip first. It’ll only take five minutes of your time. Just something to ponder on what I hope for many readers is a lazy, relaxing Sunday. Please watch it, as my commentary will assume you’ve done so.This is a big deal. I have often written previously that without overhauling campaign finance, lasting reform is not possible, if it is even possible to pass in the first place. Getting the money out of politics is a sine qua non of genuine change for the better. And that is just for starters.
If you haven't seen the clip yet (it's all over social media), watch it and you will see why AOC is the political force she is.
Then read the rest of the article. Jerri-Lynn Scofield is a lawyer. She understands this in depth.
Naked Capitalism
AOC Campaign Finance Primer Goes Viral
Jerri-Lynn Scofield