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Home / Mike Norman Economics / Why is Coronavirus so successful? How to defeat COVID-19 & SARS-CoV-2

Why is Coronavirus so successful? How to defeat COVID-19 & SARS-CoV-2

A really interesting video about the virus, and why it's so effective. [embedded content] I went shopping yesterday and felt my medical mask was a bit flimsy so I put my bike mask over the top as well. I also put my DIY eye protection glasses on, so I felt pretty safe, like I was in a deep a sea diving suit, except my glasses kept misting up because as I breathed out my breath came right out of the top of the mask straight up into them.Also, the double mask idea wasn't such a great idea either because they kept falling down, so I had to keep adjusting them. Then, when you add that I had to keep lifting my glasses up to see properly, it turned out that I was touching my face quite a lot, which I only realised when I got outside the store and took everything off.I had gloves on, but

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A really interesting video about the virus, and why it's so effective.

I went shopping yesterday and felt my medical mask was a bit flimsy so I put my bike mask over the top as well. I also put my DIY eye protection glasses on, so I felt pretty safe, like I was in a deep a sea diving suit, except my glasses kept misting up because as I breathed out my breath came right out of the top of the mask straight up into them.

Also, the double mask idea wasn't such a great idea either because they kept falling down, so I had to keep adjusting them. Then, when you add that I had to keep lifting my glasses up to see properly, it turned out that I was touching my face quite a lot, which I only realised when I got outside the store and took everything off.

I had gloves on, but everything I touched in the store could potentially have had the virus on. Crikey! So, just the one simple mask when I go shopping next time.

Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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