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Home / Mike Norman Economics / Economic-Philosophic Manuscript Of 1978 As It Were Part II — Robert Paul Wolff

Economic-Philosophic Manuscript Of 1978 As It Were Part II — Robert Paul Wolff

II. A Meditation upon two passages in Capital... To appreciate Marx as ironist — like Socrates contrasted to Aristotle, Professor Wolff might say — it is useful to recall that Marx was a thorough-going 19th century materialist who was quite aware that the world was still in the throes of the Renaissance transition from the medieval theological and philosophical age to the modern scientific age.That transition, while along, is not yet complete and is manifesting as the dialectic between the traditional and the liberal. What emerges from this dialectic will be something new that bears resemblance to its parents but as emergent will be unpredictably new. That is to say the result will be synergetic rather than synthetic. It will be a feature of the digital age that is now being born as the

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II. A Meditation upon two passages in Capital...
To appreciate Marx as ironist — like Socrates contrasted to Aristotle, Professor Wolff might say — it is useful to recall that Marx was a thorough-going 19th century materialist who was quite aware that the world was still in the throes of the Renaissance transition from the medieval theological and philosophical age to the modern scientific age.

That transition, while along, is not yet complete and is manifesting as the dialectic between the traditional and the liberal. What emerges from this dialectic will be something new that bears resemblance to its parents but as emergent will be unpredictably new. That is to say the result will be synergetic rather than synthetic. It will be a feature of the digital age that is now being born as the analog age passes into history.

Marx still has a role to play in this.

The Philosopher's Stone
Robert Paul Wolff

Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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