When people will pay anything. Your money or your life? Let the market decide. In the United States, Gilead Sciences will charge 0 per vial for patients with private insurance, with some government programs getting a lower price. With a double-dose the first day, that comes out to ,120 for the five-day treatment course. For governments in developed countries outside the U.S., it will cost 0 per vial, or ,340 for the five-day course. How much uninsured patients would pay is still unclear. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, called the price "outrageous." "Without a taxpayer investment of million, this drug would have been abandoned. It would be on the scrap heap of failures," he tells NPR. "So it's the taxpayer who's really taking the risk here and ought to get the
Mike Norman considers the following as important:
This could be interesting, too:
When people will pay anything. Your money or your life? Let the market decide. In the United States, Gilead Sciences will charge 0 per vial for patients with private insurance, with some government programs getting a lower price. With a double-dose the first day, that comes out to ,120 for the five-day treatment course. For governments in developed countries outside the U.S., it will cost 0 per vial, or ,340 for the five-day course. How much uninsured patients would pay is still unclear. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, called the price "outrageous." "Without a taxpayer investment of million, this drug would have been abandoned. It would be on the scrap heap of failures," he tells NPR. "So it's the taxpayer who's really taking the risk here and ought to get the
Mike Norman considers the following as important:
This could be interesting, too:
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When people will pay anything.
Your money or your life?
Let the market decide.
In the United States, Gilead Sciences will charge $520 per vial for patients with private insurance, with some government programs getting a lower price. With a double-dose the first day, that comes out to $3,120 for the five-day treatment course. For governments in developed countries outside the U.S., it will cost $390 per vial, or $2,340 for the five-day course. How much uninsured patients would pay is still unclear.
Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, called the price "outrageous."
"Without a taxpayer investment of $99 million, this drug would have been abandoned. It would be on the scrap heap of failures," he tells NPR. "So it's the taxpayer who's really taking the risk here and ought to get the reward of the angel investors that taxpayers are."
Remdesivir, made by @GileadSciences, has now set the price ➡️ $2,300 to $3,100 per patient.
So how much does it cost to produce each vial?
➡️ Just $1.
US taxpayers also had paid for the drug’s NIH trial.
Remdesivir Priced At More Than $3,100 For A Course Of Treatment-3-100-for-a-course-of-treatment