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Links — 2 Feb 2022 AM

Gilbert Doctorow — International relations, Russian affairs (talking from a position of strength)Mr. Nyet returns: Russia’s in-your-face behavior at the United Nations this weekGilbert Doctorow World (still taking, not yet shooting)Analyzing President Putin’s Response To The Undeclared US-Provoked Missile CrisisAndrew Korybko News (psychoanalyzing Putler instead of asking what are Russia's national interests that account for the policy and action of the Russian leadership)America’s Putin Psychosis Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, serving in the Soviet Union as an inspector

Mike Norman considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:

Bill Haskell writes The Plan to destroy Obamacare

NewDealdemocrat writes The ISM services index, measuring 75% of the economy, sounds an ‘all clear’ – for now, anyway

Joel Eissenberg writes High fructose corn syrup and your health

Angry Bear writes Why avoided or imaginary emissions are the future of carbon accounting

Gilbert Doctorow — International relations, Russian affairs (talking from a position of strength)
Mr. Nyet returns: Russia’s in-your-face behavior at the United Nations this week
Gilbert Doctorow

One World (still taking, not yet shooting)
Analyzing President Putin’s Response To The Undeclared US-Provoked Missile Crisis
Andrew Korybko

Consortium News (psychoanalyzing Putler instead of asking what are Russia's national interests that account for the policy and action of the Russian leadership)
America’s Putin Psychosis 
Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, serving in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, on General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector

Ukraine: Guides to Reflection (US leadership dealing with wishful thinking, not reality)
Michael Brenner | professor of international affairs at the University of Pittsburgh

Bracing Views (entanglement of US foreign and military policy and domestic politics)
When In Doubt, Send Troops 
W. J. Astore, Lieutenant Colonel (USAF ret.), taught at the Air Force Academy, the Naval Postgraduate School, and currently at the Pennsylvania College of Technology

India Punchline
Why Russia-China partnership is effective
M. K. Bhadrakumar | retired diplomat with the Indian Foreign Service

Strategic Culture Foundation (losing control of the narrative created by info-war)
Ukraine: Another Biden Débâcle?
Alastair Crooke | founder and director of the Conflicts Forum, and former British diplomat and senior figure in British intelligence and in European Union diplomacy

RT (reality bites)
How the Ukraine crisis divided European countries

UK military warns of ‘nuclear attack’ from space (stoking fear)

The Vineyard of the Saker
Le Pen now wants in the euro & no Frexit – should the Left want her in?
Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog

Both US and NATO replies leaked to Spanish paper (full texts) (that didn't take long)

The West’s two replies, just a few disjointed thoughts

The Saker
Propaganda Warps Our Very Humanity: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Caitlin Johnstone

Sputnik International
Proximity of US Labs to Russian Borders Poses High Risk, Health Watchdog Says

Russia Has Plans to Hedge Risks in Event of New US Economic Sanctions, Kremlin Says

US to Send Warship, Fighter Jets to UAE After Yemen's Houthis Attacks, Reports Say (terrible optics for the US)

Oil Prices Jump As OPEC+ Sticks With 400,000 Bpd Output Hike
Tsvetana Paraskova

Zero Hedge (Russia holds a strong hand and has the backing of China)
Rabobank: Russia Is Prepared To Declare Economic War On The West, Inflicting "Huge Economic Pain"
Michael Every of Rabobank

Critical German Oil Network Hit With Cyberattack Amid Rising US-Russian Tensions  (cybercriminals)

MR Online
Ukraine and U.S. war propaganda
Margaret Kimberley
Originally published: Black Agenda Report (January 26, 2022

Info BRICS (no. They would be slaughtered by stand off weapons, and it would be on the US, UK, and Europe.)
Could Ukrainian army face Russian forces?
Uriel Araujo

Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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