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Links — 1 August 2022 Part 1

The Postil MagazineThe Hidden Truth about the War in Ukraine (backgrounder. Baud shows that from the beginning, shortly after the collapse of the USSR, the Western objective has been to cancel Russia.) Weapons or Peace? A Conversation with Jacques Baud Baud, a former colonel of the General Staff, ex-member of the Swiss strategic intelligence, and specialist on Eastern countries. He was trained in the American and British intelligence services. He has served as Policy Chief for United Nations Peace Operations.One WorldA Major Russian Businessman Envisions Economic Ties With India Replacing European OnesAndrew Korybko, American

Mike Norman considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:

Lars Pålsson Syll writes What kind of ‘rigour’ do RCTs provide?

NewDealdemocrat writes Weekly jobless claims: good news and ‘meh’ news

Angry Bear writes Just Some Business Stats

Lars Pålsson Syll writes Nationalekonomiska Föreningens Årsmöte

The Postil Magazine
The Hidden Truth about the War in Ukraine (backgrounder. Baud shows that from the beginning, shortly after the collapse of the USSR, the Western objective has been to cancel Russia.)
Jacques Baud, a former colonel of the General Staff, ex-member of the Swiss strategic intelligence, and specialist on Eastern countries. He was trained in the American and British intelligence services. He has served as Policy Chief for United Nations Peace Operations.

One World
Andrew Korybko, American geopolitical analyst and independent journalist based in Moscow, and member of the expert council for the Institute of Strategic Studies and Predictions at the People’s Friendship University of Russia

” … Ukraine ‘Potentially Winning Decisively’ Over Russia.” (Does Col. Lang have a case of confirmation bias?)

“Taiwan is not an easy island to invade.” (Defending Taiwan is a worse logistical challenge for the US.)
Col. W. Patrick Lang, US Army (ret.) 

India Punchline
China is still playing the long game on Taiwan
M. K. Bhadrakumar | retired diplomat with the Indian Foreign Service and former ambassador

Moon of Alabama
On The 'Woke' Flight To Taiwan

Ukraine Is the Latest Neocon Disaster
Jeffrey D. Sachs | University Professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he directed The Earth Institute from 2002 until 2016. He is also president of the U.N. Sustainable Development Solutions Network and a commissioner of the U.N. Broadband Commission for Development. He has been adviser to three United Nations secretaries-general and currently serves as an SDG advocate under Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

The Vineyard of the Saker
Brandon shifts the narrative on Banderastan
The Saker

Al Mayadeen

Aaron Maté
NATO-backed network of Syria dirty war propagandists identified (The Guardian)

RT — Question More (Russian state-sponsored media)
World re-entering the coal age – IEA
Harry Robertson, Business Insider

Sputnik International (Russian state-sponsored media)
French Volunteer: I Witnessed Bucha Frame-Up

TASS (Russian state media)
West seeks to impose global war on mankind, says Russian intel chief [Sergey Naryshkin]

Defense One
House’s ‘Irregular Warfare’ Provision Risks Unintended War
Katherine Yon Ebright, Brennan Center For Justice

Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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