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Home / Mike Norman Economics / Loans vs Deposits

Loans vs Deposits

She’s looking at the PV of depository system loan assets not “loans!”…  another reification error here…You can see here from the graph the MMT thesis “loans create deposits!”  I suppose is true but it is not exclusive… If the Central Bank credits reserve asset balances to the depository system this will credit depository system liabilities too…. As can Treasury debiting USD balances previously credited to the TGA…During the global financial crisis, bank deposits kept going up while bank loans decreased.Currently, lending is still going up, while deposits decrease. Very different situation.— Lyn Alden (@LynAldenContact) December 14, 2022 In the GFC the Fed credited USD reserve assets to the depository system so the PV of loan assets had to be reduced in order to

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She’s looking at the PV of depository system loan assets not “loans!”…  another reification error here…

You can see here from the graph the MMT thesis “loans create deposits!”  I suppose is true but it is not exclusive… 

If the Central Bank credits reserve asset balances to the depository system this will credit depository system liabilities too…. As can Treasury debiting USD balances previously credited to the TGA…

In the GFC the Fed credited USD reserve assets to the depository system so the PV of loan assets had to be reduced in order to maintain the constant proportional control ratio of total depository system regulatory capital value to total depository system asset value … thus causing the crisis which they are legally tasked to avoid…

They are complete professional failures past and present…

Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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