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Home / Mike Norman Economics / Make Nazism Great Again — Pepe Escobar

Make Nazism Great Again — Pepe Escobar

Is the US doing with neo-Nazism in Ukraine what it did with Islamic militancy in Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern countries?This is a good historical backgrounder. It is painted with a very broad brush, of necessity owing to the constraint of a blog post. So while some may quibble with some of the assertions, overall it paints an accurate picture in my estimation, not being a historian but someone familiar with the history. In fact, in my view, it is worse in some ways than Pepe paints it. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that some of the Azov leaders qualify as bone fide Nazis ideologically even though most may "only" be extreme nationalists given to violently promoting white supremacy, with Russians viewed as Mongoloid Untermenshen. While technically they may not properly be

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Is the US doing with neo-Nazism in Ukraine what it did with Islamic militancy in Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern countries?

This is a good historical backgrounder. It is painted with a very broad brush, of necessity owing to the constraint of a blog post. So while some may quibble with some of the assertions, overall it paints an accurate picture in my estimation, not being a historian but someone familiar with the history. In fact, in my view, it is worse in some ways than Pepe paints it. 

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that some of the Azov leaders qualify as bone fide Nazis ideologically even though most may "only" be extreme nationalists given to violently promoting white supremacy, with Russians viewed as Mongoloid Untermenshen. While technically they may not properly be termed "Nazis," as Pepe notes, many of this cohort act like them and wear Nazi-inspired (SS) insignia.

Welcome to tribal Europe and Central Asia, where these feud go back centuries if not a millennium or more. There is a reason that these peoples are forever at war. The European Union is an attempt to transcend this fate but it has fallen under the control of the US geopolitically and neoliberal globalization economically.

Strategic Culture Foundation (sanctioned by the US Treasury Department)
Make Nazism Great Again
Pepe Escobar

Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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