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Home / Mike Norman Economics / A new economic narrative for the left — Richard Murphy

A new economic narrative for the left — Richard Murphy

Having posted review articles for the past couple of days I did wonder what I thought my most important post of the year was since many others seem to be working that theme at present. Somewhat randomly (meaning I did not go back and look at them all, and nor did I look at stats) I settled on this, which was published on the blog on 2 July 2022 having previously been on Byline Times:"Center-left" instead of "left"? It's simply moving the Overton window somewhat to the left after it having been pushed rather far to the right toward the fascistic model of a corporate state. The correction that Richard Murphy suggests is just that, a course correction rather than a radical proposal. But something is better than nothing. Neoliberalism pursued to its logical conclusion ends in corporate as a

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 Having posted review articles for the past couple of days I did wonder what I thought my most important post of the year was since many others seem to be working that theme at present. Somewhat randomly (meaning I did not go back and look at them all, and nor did I look at stats) I settled on this, which was published on the blog on 2 July 2022 having previously been on Byline Times:

"Center-left" instead of "left"? It's simply moving the Overton window somewhat to the left after it having been pushed rather far to the right toward the fascistic model of a corporate state. The correction that Richard Murphy suggests is just that, a course correction rather than a radical proposal. But something is better than nothing. Neoliberalism pursued to its logical conclusion ends in corporate as a type of fascism rather than the freedom it advertises as "economic liberalism." The end-state is not democracy as rule of, by and for the people but rather plutocratic oligarchy, empire, and imperial wars. 

Tax Research UK
A new economic narrative for the left
Richard Murphy | Professor of Practice in International Political Economy at City University, London; Director of Tax Research UK; non-executive director of Cambridge Econometrics, and a member of the Progressive Economy Forum

Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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