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Tag Archives: abortion

If you can’t deliver standard medical care, get out of the hospital business

While I was raised Roman Catholic, I had already rejected the RCC teaching on abortion by the time I started high school. That teaching was not grounded in the Bible, nor was it grounded in biological science.Most human conceptuses never make it to term, making God the greatest abortionist of all time. And mammalian stem cells have the potential to develop into a complete animal in every case where it’s been tested, so destroying a “potential” human...

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Republicans aim to limit future ballot initiatives like the Arizona Abortion Access Act

By Robert Gundran copper courier Arizona is a strange state which makes Michigan appear to be sane. Obviously, politicians want to be in control and they are taking any method of doing so. This came about due to a bunch of Arizona judges decided to make abortion something very difficult to do. “With a stroke of a pen on Thursday, Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs struck down a 160-year-old near-total abortion ban. Just a day earlier, Democrats...

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Idaho Deputy Solicitor General Answering SCOTUS Justices on Idaho’s Abortion Law

Listening to the back and forth between the justices and Idaho’s Solicitor General, there is tension on display here. The Idaho Solicitor General appears to take the stance the abortion is available if necessary. The justices are questioning how such could be if doctors will not treat the women if abortion is needed. That being, doctors believe they blocked by Idaho’s abortion law. Alito takes the chicken or the egg approach with US Solicitor...

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Speaking of a Civil War, Arizona Politicians touched the 3rd Rail

Arizona is a state which does not stand on its own for protecting the rights of its citizens. In this case, we speak of a woman’s right to determine what is right for her individual self and body. The Supreme Court revived a near-total abortion ban with its support of a 160-year-old law. The law provides no exceptions for rape or incest. And, in its 4-2 opinion, the conservative majority wrote: “Physicians are now on notice that all...

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Merrill Goozner Talks about Abortion

Abortion is a tough topic to write about as both sides get a bit mean. The one side forbidding it more so then the supporters of reproductive choice. Maybe it has to do with the thought or thinking behind it. Women decide and the males shut up, except for the orange one. Abortion in the news, GoozNews, Merrill Goozner There’s only one health care issue that will be on the ballot this November, and that’s abortion. Health care pundits like...

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Abortion, eugenics and Kate Cox

Eugenics is the practice of arranging reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Setting aside who gets to decide which human traits are desirable and undesirable, we simply don’t know enough about the genetic basis for things like industriousness, fidelity, thrift, honesty and countless other human behaviors to pursue a selective breeding program to enhance the frequency of...

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Texas Rejecting the Rights of a Woman to Decide

I am probably going to anger some, a few I hope, as to my stance on the Kate’s rights to determine what she needs to do given the baby she is carrying will die. Kate has already gone to Texas court to gain permission to abort. A permission she should not need in the first place. As the Texas Tribune (December 7, 2023) cites: “For the first time in at least 50 years, a judge has intervened to allow an adult woman to terminate her pregnancy.”...

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Backwoods USA, Mom Sentenced to Two Years for helping Daughter

US mother sentenced to two years in prison for giving daughter abortion pills, Backwoods and Out Houses USA, The Guardian This is not horrific. It is what happens to people when there is no way out. The horrific part is the state which forces people to take any means possible. ~~~~~~~~ Jessica Burgess, a Nebraska mother accused of helping her teenage daughter use pills to end her pregnancy, was sentenced on Friday to two years in prison....

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Democrats wrest control of Michigan Legislature for first time in almost 40 years

I lived in Michigan for 27 years having moved from Madison Wisconsin. If I had my choice, we would have stayed in Madison. It was damn cold in the winter. We were still able to do things though. Michigan was not quite the same. It was never really home for us. Just too many things not right. The politics were deeply Republican in our county. The roads were in poor to fair condition, taxes were too low, and the county favored business. Voting...

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A Bit of History on the “Right to Vote”

This seems appropriate three days before an important election. Are we going to take back our right and not allow a minority to force their will upon a nation. Denying women, the right to decide was just one step in the process. I think we will take that right back. Professor Heather Cox – Richardson has a post tonight on women achieving the right to vote and “deciding.” making decisions, determining their future . . . The right to decide for...

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