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Tag Archives: China

Xinhua — Russia to become world’s second largest gold producer after China

Russia will become world's second largest gold producer with the launch of a major mining and smelting facility in the Far East, said the press service of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East Wednesday. After the facility was launched by Russia's gold producer Poluys to develop the Natalka gold deposit in the country's Magadan Region, the volume of ore processing will exceed 10 million tons per year, while the volume of gold production will be 13 tons per year, which...

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China, Venezuela decouple oil from US dollar

The world’s top oil importer, China, is preparing to launch a crude oil futures contract denominated in Chinese yuan and convertible into gold, potentially creating the most important Asian oil benchmark and allowing oil exporters to bypass U.S.-dollar denominated benchmarks by trading in yuan, Nikkei Asian Review reports. The crude oil futures will be the first commodity contract in China open to foreign investment funds, trading houses, and oil firms. The circumvention of U.S. dollar...

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Viable Opposition — The Friendship Treaty Between China and North Korea

Must read. With the Trump Administration threatening to move against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) as a punishment for their ballistic missile and nuclear programs, it is a good time to take a look back to 1961 when the People's Republic of China and the DPRK signed the "Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance Between the People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.Here is the text of the treaty which was signed in July 1961:...

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Global Times — With many Chinese talents returning home, China gets set to overtake the U.S. in technology breakthroughs

A recent report by Goldman Sachs indicated that China has the resources and ambitious, high-level government plans to support artificial intelligence (AI) development and machine learning over the next few years. In the report, the investment bank identified four key factors for the growth of the AI industry - talent, data, infrastructure and computing power. By now, China already has the first three factors needed to fully embrace AI. Some talents who studied and worked overseas shared...

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A graph that shows, for a longer span, essentially the same information presented in Robert Allen's graph of manufacturing production, and discussed before here. It is evident that the rise of China (India is not quite yet visible, even if its share did increase) represents a certain rebalancing, which is inevitable as the income per capita grows in that country, even if it does not scape what mainstream economists refer to as the middle income trap. Source here, and the data is, as...

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How China became a market economy–Review of Julian Gewirtz’s “Unlikely Partners”

A view of the development of market socialism with Chinese characteristics. Julian Gewirtrz’s “Unlikely Partners” charts, with an extraordinary attention to detail, these world-historic decisions and focuses on the role that foreign economists played in these early stages of China’s transformation. But while the declared focus of the book is on the foreign-to-Chinese interaction and cooperation, with the high point (extremely well described) being a week-long cruise-seminar in August 1985...

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