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Tag Archives: climate change

Biden, A Master of the Oil-Trade?

Originally published at Benzinga Biden The Master Oil Trader Part III? President Refills Emergency Stash as Crude Price Slides – United States Oil Fund, Benzinga, Aaron Bry, Editor. ~~~~~~~~ The Biden administration has been slowly replenishing stocks in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) as oil prices fell in the fourth quarter, buying crude at prices that could rate the president as an oil trading legend. The SPR is an emergency...

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A Primer to the Use of Alternatives to lithium-ion batteries

This is taken from a more detailed and longer write-up on alternatives to lithium-ion batteries. It has been edited and comments have been added. Sometimes when you write a long piece, people just quit reading halfway through it. My point here is to get people to read what is out there and where we are with alternative power sources beside gasoline driven motors. We are still a long way away from having a long term and suitable replacement for...

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New Solar Panel Technology

I know Joel had Solar Panels on his home in St. Louis. He was pretty happy with them. If I remember correctly, he had them for a number of years. Since I am in AZ, it makes sense to install them. Maybe when we sit down and consider the return we will consider such. They are not low in cost. Japan’s new solar panel technology (perovskite solar panel) might forever alter the renewables market, The Week, Devika Rao For a long time, the solar...

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In-Box Topics Which May be of Interest

Topical Emails from all different sites. Pulled from my In-Box and which I have no time to write about. Thinking, they still may be of interest to readers who visit Angry Bear. Please be topical or at least close. Healthcare Our Healthcare Data Infrastructure Is Abysmal, MedPage Today, John (Xuefeng) Jiang. Is our healthcare data infrastructure prepared for the next health crisis? Our research indicates it is alarmingly unprepared. A New...

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Attacks on Red Sea shipping, and its tie to US energy consumption

Attacks on Red Sea shipping, and its tie to US energy consumption  – by New Deal democrat The drought in economic data continues today. So let me continue on the issue of energy, tying into yesterday’s note on hybrid and electric vehicles. Here’s an eye-opening graph from JP Morgan via Carl Quintanilla’s social media feed, showing an 80% decline in shipping through the Suez Canal following Houthi attacks on commercial vessels at the entrance...

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As vehicles and outdoor appliances become increasingly electric, long term gas usage – and “real” prices – decline

As vehicles and outdoor appliances become increasingly electric, long term gas usage – and “real” prices – decline  – by New Deal democrat What is the “real” cost of gasoline? When measuring this, some people compare with the CPI. But that actually just tells you the *relative* inflation in gas vs. other items. That’s why, for example, when I want to look at the “real” cost of housing, I measure against income, such as average hourly earnings....

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Lloyd Alter’s Sustainable Design Students are Teaching Him

My TMU Sustainable Design students on how to fix the world, Carbon Upfront, Lloyd Alter. For about a dozen years, I have taught a one-term course on Sustainable Design at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU, formerly Ryerson University). It started in the School of Interior Design but has expanded to include students of photography, urban design, fashion, and journalism from the Creative School. Teaching sustainable design is tough; it is...

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The Big Crunch

Our current economic model, premised on profits and returns, consumption, and growth — on greed, has proven to be problematic for the environment, society, and governance.*   Over time, humans have inflicted grave damage to the land, forests, rivers, streams, and atmosphere. Some of this was in the interest of survival. A lot more was done in the interest of greed. Of late, we have done especially grave damage to the atmosphere by burning...

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American society was not always so car-centric.

Introduction: Nice piece on how Americans are so tied to their gasoline powered cars, pickup trucks, etc. and the impact on cities and environment. What is key to this article and the author’s thought is this statement: “The obvious solution … lies only in a radical revision of our conception of what a city street is for.”  Where I live, the smaller city is 30 minutes away at 65 MPH (if they are doing such). If you drive faster, maybe you...

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In-Box Topics Which May Be of Interest

Each day, I get an array of emails in my In-Box offering up articles, what they think can be interesting reads, or junk. Some are hawking subscriptions too. I like to subscribe to news letters and magazines. The problem being, I never get a chance to finish reading them all. SCOTUS Billionaire Gifts to Thomas: Generosity or Taxable Income?, Freddy Brewster, Lucy Dean Stockton, Katya Swank. If billionaires’ largesse was designed to...

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