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Tag Archives: climate change

What Impact will the 2019 Federal Budget have on Canada’s Housing Market?

I’ve written a blog post about what the recent federal budget means for Canada’s housing market. Points I make in the blog post include the following: -The budget contains several initiatives designed to make it easier for households of modest means to become homeowners. -Such initiatives are often framed as being win-win propositions, while their unintended consequences are rarely discussed. The link to the full blog post is here. Enjoy and share:

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Christian Stöcker — The Kids Aren’t Nearly Angry Enough

The school children who have been protesting to stop climate change every Friday have understood a basic truth: They are being betrayed. By politicians. By business leaders. And by an entire generation of denialists. I would add "yet" to "the kids aren't nearly angry enough." It's coming. It took a long time for the growing rage about the Vietnam to surface in the media.Spiegel Online The Kids Aren't Nearly Angry EnoughA Commentary By Christian Stöcker

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John Quiggin — Shorten gets opportunity cost right

The concept of opportunity cost “The opportunity cost of anything of value is what you must give up so that you can have it.” is the central theme of my book Economics in Two Lessons,due out in the US on 19 April and hopefully in Australia soon after that. My central claim is that two lessons based on opportunity cost and their relationship to market prices provide a framework within which almost any problem in economic policy can usefully be considered.…So, I was impressed to see Bill...

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Climate change is the detonation of the Population Bomb

(Dan here…lifted from Bondadd blog) by New Deal democrat Climate change is the detonation of the Population Bomb You know the drill … it’s Sunday so I speak my mind on things non-economic….. Way back in the days of the dinosaurs when I was a young teen, I concluded that there were really only two extinction level threats to humanity: 1. Nuclear war 2. Overpopulation (a/k/a “The Population Bomb”) As to the first, fortunately we have gone over 70 years...

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Thomas Neuburger — How Much Will It Cost to Address Climate Change? Pennies Compared to the Alternative

But few are focusing on the real measurable — not what it will cost economically to address the problem, but what it will cost economically to not address the problem. "Cost economically" here means exactly and only what the people at Forbes and Bloomberg think it means — How does economic activity slow when atmospheric temperature rises? How are profits and wealth affected? This analysis looks at no other factors affecting the economy, such as the cost of recovery from super-storms. One...

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Robert Hockett — Green New Deal Funding: Remember Finance is a Public-Private Franchise, Not a Big Broker in the Sky

Not MMT but worth reading. Robert Hockett is an advisor to AOC. ForbesGreen New Deal Funding: Remember Finance is a Public-Private Franchise, Not a Big Broker in the SkyRobert Hockett | Edward Cornell Professor of Law, Cornell University See also Bloomberg OpinionHow to Design a Green New Deal That Isn’t Over the Top Noah Smith

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The Black Bill and the Green New Deal

“When we first came to Washington in 1933,” FDR Labor Secretary Francis Perkins wrote in her memoir, The Roosevelt I Knew, “the Black bill was already before the Congress. Introduced by Senator Hugo L. Black, it had received support from many parts of the country and from many representatives and senators.” The Black Bill was the Senate version of the Black-Connery Thirty-Hour Bill. On April 6, 1933, the Senate approved the measure by a vote of 53 to 30....

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Richard Murphy — The ‘economists’ have lost control of climate change

The neoliberal economists, that is. There is no "market solution" to existential threats that require mobilization of real resources to meet the emergent challenge.Tax Research UKThe ‘economists’ have lost control of climate change Richard MurphySee alsoAlex Tabarrok is aware that addressing climate change is a global effort, which some people in the US apparently overlook or minimize. A US GND would be a step in the right direction, but it is not the solution.A single country, even the US...

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The Nobel Economists Petitiion on Carbon Tax And Dividend Plan

The Nobel Economists Petitiion on Carbon Tax And Dividend Plan As many now know, a large group of prominent economists, led by a large group of Nobel Prize winners, has published a petition in the Wall Street Journal.  This petition declares the idea of putting a tax on carbon and then returning the receipts from it to the population on an even per capita basis to be the best and most efficient plan for dealing with global warming.  This group continues...

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