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Tag Archives: Economics

The trickle down scam

The trickle down scam The empirical literature on the impact of corporate taxes on economic growth reaches ambiguous conclusions: corporate tax cuts increase, reduce, or do not significantly affect growth. We apply meta-regression methods to a novel data set with 441 estimates from 42 primary studies. There is evidence for publication selectivity in favour of reporting growth-enhancing effects of corporate tax cuts. Correcting for this bias, we cannot...

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What to do about the present inflation

What to do about the present inflation To be sure, some normalization of interest rates would be a good thing. Interest rates are supposed to reflect the scarcity of capital, and the “correct” price of capital obviously is not zero or negative – as near-zero interest rates and very negative real (inflation-adjusted) interest rates would seem to imply. But there are substantial dangers in pushing rates too high, too fast. For example, it is important to...

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Mainstream economics — the triumph of ideology over science

Mainstream economics — the triumph of ideology over science Research shows not only that individuals sometimes act differently than standard economic theories predict, but that they do so regularly, systematically, and in ways that can be understood and interpreted through alternative hypotheses, competing with those utilised by orthodox economists. To most market participants — and, indeed, ordinary observers — this does not seem like big news … In fact,...

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The ’empirical revolution’ in economics — some critical perspectives

The ’empirical revolution’ in economics — some critical perspectives Most research in economics nowadays involves empirical work … It is therefore odd to find a great deal of economic reasoning still starting from “standard theory”. Whilst it does generate predictions that can be tested empirically, it does not have an empirical foundation, but rather is based on a story about universal human nature … It remains true that the traditional models retain a...

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Why economics is in such a mess

Why economics is in such a mess .[embedded content] Modern economics has become increasingly irrelevant to the understanding of the real world. In his seminal book Economics and Reality (1997), Tony Lawson traced this irrelevance to the failure of economists to match their deductive-axiomatic methods with their subject. The critique is — sad to say — as relevant today as it was twenty-five years ago. It is still a fact that within mainstream economics...

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Real-World Economics Review at 100

Real-World Economics Review at 100 This journal began by accident. In the summer of 2000, I was ‘surfing the web’ when I clicked onto a site called Autisme-économie. It told how French students had launched a rebellion against the obsolescence of their economics curriculum …  Now, after 22 years and with Jamie Morgan as my co-editor, it continues. But with an enormous difference. Fears that were in the background then are now in the foreground. Natural...

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Hur kan vi återskapa förtroendet för nationalekonomi som vetenskap?

Hur kan vi återskapa förtroendet för nationalekonomi som vetenskap? Nationalekonomin som vetenskap har världen över förlorat otroligt mycket i prestige och status under senare år. Inte minst på grund av dess oförmåga att analysera och förklara ekonomiska och finansiella kriser och på grund av dess avsaknad av konstruktiva och hållbara förslag på att ta oss ur dessa kriser. Hur återskapar vi förtroendet för nationalekonomin? Fem förändringar är helt...

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Economics as ideology

Although I never believed it when I was young and held scholars in great respect, it does seem to be the case that ideology plays a large role in economics. How else to explain Chicago’s acceptance of not only general equilibrium but a particularly simplified version of it as ‘true’ or as a good enough approximation to the truth? Or how to explain the belief that the only correct models are linear and that the von Neuman prices are those to which actual prices converge pretty...

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Regeringen och Riksbanken hanterar inflationen fel

Regeringen och Riksbanken hanterar inflationen fel Vad beror den ökande inflationen på? Max Jerneck (MJ): Den beror till stor del på ökade priser på energi och livsmedel, som orsakas av saker som hur elmarknaden är reglerad och torka samt kriget i Ukraina. Även priserna på möbler och andra varor, och grundläggande komponenter och insatsvaror som halvledare och stål spelar in. Under pandemin minskade efterfrågan på tjänster samtidigt som den snabbt ökade...

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