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Tag Archives: Europe

A delightful read

 Recensione su Brave New Europe Grazie Mat! Heterodox Challenges in Economics by Sergio Cesaratto February 24, 2021  Book Review by Mathew D. Rose I never thought that I would describe an economics book as “a delightful read”, but “Heterodox Challenges in Economics” by Sergio Cesaratto is exactly that. It is well written, often entertaining and humorous, and explains a great deal about political economy, which is then applied in an analysis of the...

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The Next EU Degeneration

Pubblicato da Brave New Europe, a breve la versione italiana. Sergio Cesaratto – The Next EU Degeneration February 2, 2021 Austerity, Economics, EU politics, EU-Institutions, Finance, Inequality, National Politics, Neo-Liberalism in the EU, Regulation, Solutions The Next Generation EU programme is full of pitfalls for many EU nations, as here in Italy. Sergio Cesaratto is Professor of Growth and Development Economics and of Monetary and Fiscal...

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Eating More Chocolate: A Cure for Pandemic Fatigue?

Just doing the local rounds and reading. One of three writers over at Naked Capitalism had this up on a small way escape the boredom of Covid.  It is more than just a promotion about chocolate and it does make you smile. When I was working in Riethim-Weilheim area of Germany near Tuttligen, on the weekend I would drive into Switzerland to a  Chocolatier in Schaffhausen and buy a nice box of chocolates to share with my German associates and then wander...

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The Fracturing of Globalization: Implications of Economic Resentments and Geopolitical Contradictions

The last forty years have witnessed a third wave of globalization which can be termed “neoliberal globalization”. Now, there are indications that the era of neoliberal globalization might be drawing to a close, as evidenced by the trade war between the US and China. This paper argues the fracturing of neoliberal globalization reflects the growing […]

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E’ una questione di interessi

Pubblichiamo la traduzione su Brave New Europe, una rivista online edita a Berlino, del pezzo su Econopoly. Sergio Cesaratto and Antonio Iero – It’s the interest rate, stupid! November 16, 2018 Economics, EU politics, EU-Institutions, Finance, National Politics Words of reason, but this is about German led social re-engineering in the EU rather than economics. Sergio Cesaratto is Professor of Growth and Development Economics and of Monetary...

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1919: Keynes’s revolutionary plan for the global economy

12 November, 2018 This year is the 150th anniversary of the TUC, and the 70th anniversary of the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD. As part of the celebration of these achievements, the TUC’s Economics and Social Affairs department organised an event “Lessons from the Great Financial Crisis” – on 12th November, 2018 – the day after Armistice day, and 100 years after the ending of the First World War.  Several speakers, including ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown, were invited to...

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L’Italia distruggerà l’Eurozona?

Mia intervista a New Europe.  Mi dicono che la rivista con l'intervista sarà diffusa  in forma stampata a Bruxelles negli hotels, lobbisti, ambasciate ecc. Speriamo che faccia innervosire qualcuno!   Published 08:37 September 28, 2018 Updated 12:54 September 28, 2018 Will Italy destroy the Eurozone? By NEOnline | IRIlia Roubanis Euro-critical discourse is mainstream in Italy. The current government is a coalition that encompasses...

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Dare a Tsipras quel che è di Tsipras: risposta a Marco Revelli

New Brave Europe ha pubblicato questa risposta al pezzo di Marco Revelli su il manifesto che polemizzava con Mélenchon e con il mio articolo su Micromega, questo l'incipit: "Dare a Tsipras quel che è di Tsipras. Una sinistra incapace di riconoscere i propri punti di riferimento e di dar conto del loro merito, pur senza rinunciare al dovere di critica, è destinata alla fine miserevole che ha fatto. Tre anni fa tutti a sgomitare dietro ad «Alexis». Oggi va di moda l’accusa di...

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Globalization Checkmated? Political and Geopolitical Contradictions Coming Home to Roost

By Thomas Palley (Guest blogger)The deepening of economic globalization appears to have ground to a halt and the process may even unravel a little. The sudden stop has surprised economists, whose belief in globalization has strong parallels with Fukuyama’s (1989) flawed end of history hypothesis. The paper presents a simple analytic model that shows how economic globalization has triggered political and geopolitical contradictions. For the system to work, politics within countries and...

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Three Globalizations, Not Two: Rethinking the History and Economics of Trade and Globalization

The conventional wisdom is there have been two globalizations in the modern era. The first began around 1870 and ended in 1914. The second began in 1945 and is still underway. This paper challenges that view and argues there have been three globalizations, not two. The first half of the paper provides empirical evidence for [...]

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