Pamela Anderson explains to FT Alphaville’s Jemina Kelly her enthusiasm for DiEM25: “The fact that a Greek economist, Yanis Varoufakis, and a Croatian philosopher, Srećko Horvat, are running in Germany show that these elections are not about national politics but about the future of Europe as such. I am glad to see that Europe finally has a movement with passion opposed both to the trooping rightwing populists...
Read More »FT Alphachat 28 MAR 2019: On Democracy, Europe, the UK and Greece
[embedded content] Alphaville’s Jemima Kelly and Izabella Kaminska sat down with Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece and current organiser of a trans-European group, DiEM25, of what he calls “radical Europeanists” — in favour of union, without deflation or austerity. Mr Varoufakis answers criticism from the left, pointing out that even if the euro or the EU were poorly...
Read More »Brexit: On May’s mistakes and the best road ahead – Financial Times video
[embedded content] Sharing a taxi with the FT to give my view on how Prime Minister Theresa May undermined herself – and on the steps that must be taken next.
Read More »The budget, the fragile recovery and the next recession
I'm not a forecaster. I do macro, and worked for Wynne Godley at the Levy, but I feel that there are too many dangers in forecasting. Wynne was also, btw, more concerned with what he called medium term scenarios, than pinpointing when a recession would take place. The obvious joke applies here. Economists have predicted 10 of the last 9 recessions. Having said that let me do the exact opposite and throw caution to the wind.So I'm going out on a limb here. Everybody thinks the recession...
Read More »Richard Murphy — The battle for money has begun
We live in a dangerous time when the FT promotes a form of hardline, and deeply undemocratic monetarism. It's dangerous that some on the left have bought into Positive Money's ideas. The battle for money has begun. It is essential that it is won. Tax Research UKThe battle for money has begun Richard Murphy
Read More »Justin R. Harbour — For Bold Solutions We Ought To Include MMT in Economic Discourse
In a recent Financial Times article, Martin Sandbu identifies three major economic failures of competitive capitalism in the West: growing inequality; the disproportionate effects of The Great Recession on young people; and the threat of displacement in labor markets brought by improving technology and the presumed ubiquity of artificial intelligence. Sandbu connects these failures to recent victories of populist “extremist” parties in the EU, UK, and US, and asserts that if liberalism and...
Read More »At home with the Financial Times – by Bruce Clark, 11 APR 2018
Yanis Varoufakis is full of teasing paradoxes. As a radical economics guru, he expounds on the state of the world with a mixture of burning grievance and brimming, almost imperious, self-confidence. Aged 57, his personal baggage includes a keen sense of the wrongs of recent Greek history, which overshadowed his parents’ lives, and the glories of the ancient Greek heritage. But his real obsession is with the...
Read More »Η Βρετανία πρέπει να μάθει το μάθημά της από την Ελλάδα, και να έχει Plan Β όπως ο Βαρουφάκης – Wolfgang Munchau στους Financial Times της 25ης Ιουνίου 2017
Γιατί οι Βρετανοί θα έπρεπε να συμβουλευτούν τον πρώην Υπουργό Οικονομικών της Ελλάδας, για να χαράξουν στρατηγική στο παζάρι με την ΕΕ. Η ανάγκη για Plan B του Γιάνη Βαρουφάκη. Γράφει ο Βόλφγκανγκ Μουνχάου. του Wolfgang Münchau [Το άρθρο βρίσκεται εδώ και μεταφράστηκε/δημοσιεύτηκε από το EURO2day] Οι ηγέτες που καλούνται να προσδιορίσουν τη στρατηγική των διαπραγματεύσεων για το Brexit θα ήταν...
Read More »Argeo Quiñones and Ian Seda on the crisis in Puerto Rico
Argeo Quiñones-Pérez and Ian Seda-Irizarry discuss the crisis in this piece. They correctly point out the neocolonialist solution being imposed by the US administration. I find the imposition of a Fiscal Control Board (FCB) particularly problematic. Back when Argentina defaulted in 2002, Rudi Dornbusch had suggested something similar. At that time I sent the letter below to the Financial Times that had published his proposal. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Mystery of about-turn on Argentina ...
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