Coronavirus dashboard for April 26: reasons for optimism all around Let’s start with an overview of total cases and deaths in the US: 1.7 in every 1,000 Americans has died of COVID-19. 9.7% of the entire population has had a *confirmed* infection. Probably another 5% to 10% have been infected, but were never tested. With large-scale vaccinations, plus the onset of warmer weather (so fewer indoor gatherings), the incipient “4th wave”...
Read More »The US may have crossed an important vaccination threshold
The US may have crossed an important vaccination threshold On Monday I noted that in Chile, where there had been a severe renewed outbreak of coronavirus despite an aggressive vaccination program, cases had plateaued, and this had occurred “when over 35% of the population had received at least one dose of vaccine, and 20% were fully vaccinated.”Well, the recent upturn in cases in the US also seems to have plateaued: And guess what? The...
Read More »Coronavirus dashboard for April 19: Much great progress, and some problem children
Coronavirus dashboard for April 19: Much great progress, and some problem children As an initial note, there is no significant economic data until Thursday this week, so don’t be surprised if I play hooky for a day or two…. Today let’s take a look at the latest coronavirus information. There’s much progress on the vaccination front. I’ll let the CDC’s numbers speak for themselves: Here’s the information graphically by age group as...
Read More »Daunte Wright’s Killing Makes the Case for Shrinking Police Budgets
Naked Capitalism had this commentary up on its site as introduced by Yves Smith. I made some small editorial changes to further emphasize the two points Yves makes in the beginning and also some of the commentary in the article. Both parts are good reads. To wit; If you are handcuffed and on the ground, you are killed. If you drive away, you are killed. If you run, then stop, and turn around with your hands up; you are killed. The common thread...
Read More »It is Ok to Lick Your Counter Top . . . Again
A few notes catching you up on stuff. I would not recommend licking the counter top as it does not taste very good. In any case, the transmission of COVID-19 does not come from touching surfaces. And I am reiterating what I had read approximately a year ago. The Atlantic‘s Staff Writer Derek Thompson reiterates what is pretty much known since the advent of COVID and ignored by many. “Deep Cleaning Isn’t a Victimless Crime” brings the point...
Read More »Coronavirus dashboard for April 12: more good news, more bad news
Coronavirus dashboard for April 12: more good news, more bad news The good news is, vaccinations work.Vaccine effect in the UK: By age group: Vaccine effect in France (in the face of an increasing case count): Vaccine effect even in Chile: While confirmed cases have gone up by 100% in Chile, deaths have “only” gone up by 50%. Even employing a 4-week lag, 4 weeks ago cases had gone up 50%, while deaths are up 33%...
Read More »Risk of Being Killed by Police Varies by Your Ethnicity
A Healthcare Issue Derek Chauvin trial live: Paramedic who responded to George Floyd told partner. ‘I think he’s dead.’ When paramedics arrived, Bravinder saw multiple officers on the side of the road on top of “our patient lying on the ground next to a squad car. He said he “assumed there was potentially some struggle still since they were still on top of him.” “Prosecutor Erin Eldridge played a clip of officer Thomas Lane’s body...
Read More »Pandemic still in control
February JOLTS report showed a pandemic still in control Yesterday morning’s JOLTS report for February showed that the pandemic was still in control of the numbers.This report has only a 20 year history, and so includes only two prior recoveries. In those recoveries: first, layoffs declinedsecond, hiring rosethird, job openings rose and voluntary quits increased, close to simultaneouslyThe recovery from the worst of the pandemic almost one...
Read More »Coronavirus dashboard for April 5: the problematic cases of Chile . . . and Michigan
Coronavirus dashboard for April 5: the problematic cases of Chile . . . and Michigan As you probably already know, the news on the vaccination front continues to be good, as the US is now administering on average over 3 million doses a day – and still climbing. At this rate of improvement, every adult in the US could be vaccinated by Memorial Day at the end of next month. One bit of not so good news is that the percentage of seniors who have...
Read More »VA Study: How Long Does COVID-19 Vaccine Immunity Last?
This popped up in my email box today. I am not a member of any particular group representing veterans; but, I do use the VA for healthcare as a discharged Marine Sergeant. At times, I have written in support of various actions by different military groups supporting veterans. With regard to healthcare, Medicare has started to use the VA Pharmaceutical formulary due to their pricing. In some cases such as Metoprolol, Medicare has changed from one...
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