Or one would think so, given people resist wearing a mask, social distancing and they want to party like its 1999. Song written in 1982 . . . “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I only want you to have some fun,” Covid. [embedded content]Melissa Jeltsen, Huffpost: “The U.S. has entered an ominous new surge of the coronavirus pandemic, with more cases reported on Friday (10/23/20) than any other day since the crisis began in March. And yet, in many areas...
Read More »Coronavirus dashboard for October 20: some good news among the gloom
Coronavirus dashboard for October 20: some good news among the gloom Total US confirmed infections: 8,273,296* Average US infections last 7 days: 59,527 (vs. recent low of 34,354 on Sept 12) Total US deaths: 221,052 Average US deaths last 7 days: 738 (vs. recent low of 689 4 days ago) *I suspect the real number is 14-15,000,000, or over 4% of the total US population Source: COVID Tracking Project As we head into the cold weather, experts are warning...
Read More »Two noteworthy tweets
Two noteworthy tweets It’s a slow economic news week. Housing starts and permits are reported tomorrow, and jobless claims and existing home sales on Thursday. I’ll update the Coronavirus Dashboard Wednesday. So for today, two nuggets. 1. Nate Silver discovers behavioral psychology: This has been my paradigm for months. Panic breeds compliance with mask-wearing and social distancing. Complacency breeds risk-taking. Over time both trends wane, breeding...
Read More »Eating More Chocolate: A Cure for Pandemic Fatigue?
Just doing the local rounds and reading. One of three writers over at Naked Capitalism had this up on a small way escape the boredom of Covid. It is more than just a promotion about chocolate and it does make you smile. When I was working in Riethim-Weilheim area of Germany near Tuttligen, on the weekend I would drive into Switzerland to a Chocolatier in Schaffhausen and buy a nice box of chocolates to share with my German associates and then wander...
Read More »Christie, never forget
Chris Christie: “I believed when I entered the White House grounds, that I had entered a safe zone, due to the testing that I and many others underwent every day,” Mr. Christie said in the statement. “I was wrong. I was wrong not to wear a mask at the Amy Coney Barrett announcement and I was wrong not to wear a mask at my multiple debate prep sessions with the president and the rest of the team.” So, what should we make of this? Is it a genuine change of...
Read More »Coronavirus dashboard for October 14: winter is coming
Coronavirus dashboard for October 14: winter is coming Total US confirmed cases: 7,806,805* Average cases last 7 days: 51,038 Total US deaths: 215,887 Average deaths last 7 days: 714*Actual cases probably more like 14 million, or over 4% of the US populationSource: COVID Tracking ProjectToday let’s take a look at the most recent upsurge in COVID not just in the US, but in the entire West.Here is the 7 day average of new cases per capita in the US,...
Read More »Perhaps, Recall the Thalidomide Disaster, etc. while Searching for a Covid Vaccine
There is a big push by trump and Republicans to bring a Covid to market quickly. Remember the Thalidomide Disaster, The Morning Call, May 12, 2020 Thalidomide In the rush to find a vaccine or treatment for the coronavirus, let’s not forget the bitter lesson learned in the 1950s and ’60s when thalidomide was prescribed to pregnant women for morning sickness. Thalidomide was approved for European use in 1957 although it was never tested on pregnant women....
Read More »Book Review, “America’s Bitter Pill“
Kip Sullivan and I have had a running dialogue over the last year or so. Kip has been writing for such sites as The Health Care Blog, other blogs and newspaper. I find his knowledge insightful as we discuss what we know and where we are going with healthcare. Today Kip is working on implementing “Health Care For All – Minnesota” and is also developing a 3-year research and public education campaign. If you have questions this is the person to ask them....
Read More »Coronavirus dashboard for October 9: everybody has to touch the hot stove at least once
Coronavirus dashboard for October 9: everybody has to touch the hot stove at least once Total confirmed US infections: 7,605,218* Average infections last 7 days: 46,869 Total US deaths: 212,762 *Actual number is probably 5 to 7 million higher, or about 4% of the total US population Source: COVID Tracking Project In the last 4 weeks, the average number of new infections has risen again. Here is the breakdown by regions: Here is the same for deaths:...
Read More »“Dying In A Leaderless Vacuum”, NEJM
“The New England Journal of Medicine Breaks two centuries of precedent to take an electoral stand,” Medpage Today, Shannon Firth, October 9, 2020 Angry Bear Readers: I am stealing the NEJM’s title as it states all of the issues we are faced with today with the Covid Pandemic. “Dying in a Leaderless Vacuum.” The NEJM is not known for being political. Yet today, the NEJM is taking a stand on what is happening in the United States for the first time in 200...
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