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Tag Archives: imperialism

Homelessness among racialized persons

Chapter 7 of my open access textbook has just been released. This chapter focuses on homelessness experienced by racialized persons. A ‘top 10’ summary of the chapter can be found here (in English): A ‘top 10’ summary of the chapter in French can be found here: The full chapter can be found here (English...

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S.Mavroudeas’ interview in News of PRESS TV (11-7-2020) on the trade war

I was asked for an opinion for the trade war between US and France in the News programme of PRESS TV (11-7-2020). The videos of the interview follow below. Also below are the main points of my intervention. [embedded content] PRESS TV 11-7-2020 This last episode is part of the trade wars that are raging during the last decades The main instigator is the US who sees its economic hegemony faltering and tries to...

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Late Imperialism—Fifty Years After Harry Magdoff’s The Age of Imperialism — John Bellamy Foster

Important. This is a view of neoliberal globalization in terms of the history of imperialism and its financial and economic analysis. It emerges as a natural extension of liberal capitalism in the Western liberal ideology that came to dominate the world scene after the colonial period. Ironically, the practical application of this world view took place in the transition of America from a British colony to the first Western liberal democracy constructed in terms of Enlightenment philosophy...

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De-Dollarizing the American Financial Empire

Guns and Butter. July 3, 2019 Imperialism is getting something for nothing. It is a strategy to obtain other countries’ surplus without playing a productive role, but by creating an extractive rentier system. An imperialist power obliges other countries to pay tribute. Of course, America doesn’t come right out and tell other countries, “You have to pay us tribute,” like Roman emperors told the provinces they governed. U.S. diplomats simply insist that other countries...

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Imperialism and profitability at Lille — Michael Roberts

G Carchedi and I are working on a paper on the economics of imperialism that covers measuring unequal exchange in trade, factor income flows on the current account; and foreign investment on the capital account. We reach similar conclusions to Ricci in that imperialism is alive and well and inequality between the imperialist economies and the rest is just as wide as it was 100 years go. Value produced in the dominated countries get appropriated and transferred to the imperialist economies...

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‘De-globalisation and the Return of the Theory of Imperialism’ , Stavros Mavroudeas, ICOPEC 2019

ICOPEC 2019 ‘If Globalism is Dead—Long Live What?’ Marmara University Istanbul, Turkey 25-28 June 2019 ‘De-globalisation and the Return of the Theory of Imperialism’ Stavros Mavroudeas Professor (Political Economy) Dept. of Social Policy Panteion University e-mail: [email protected] web: Abstract The globalisation hypothesis (i.e. the argument that modern capitalism has once and for all discard the nation state and modern...

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ICOPEC 2019, Marmara University: ‘De-globalisation and the Return of the Theory of Imperialism’, Stavros D. Mavroudeas

Marmara UniversityGöztepe KampüsüKüçük Çamlıca34718 Kadıköyİstanbul / TÜRKİYE 26 June 2019, Wednesday, Plenary session (09:45 – 12:00) Hun Joo Park (KDI School of Public Policy and Management): ‘Global Governance in the 21st Century’ Ziya Öniş (Department of International Relations, Koç University): ‘The Age of Hybridity: China, BRICS and Challenges of Global Governance in a Post-liberal International Order’ Stavros D. Mavroudeas (Panteion University of Social and...

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Thomas Fazi — French Colonialism Is Alive and Kicking in Africa, Has the Continent in an Iron Grip

Thomas Fazi is an Italian journalist and collaborator with Bill Mitchell on several books.The US is not the only neo-imperialist. It is joined by France and Great Britain.spikedFrench Colonialism Is Alive and Kicking in Africa, Has the Continent in an Iron Grip Thomas Fazi See also Disproportionate focus on corruption of national leaders distracts from the systemic theft of Ghana's wealth Slate98.3 percent of Ghana’s gold remains in the hands of multinational corporations Celina Della...

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Venezuela as the pivot for New Internationalism?

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Collapse of the European Integration ‘is on the Cards’ – 5-1-2019 Collapse of the European Integration ‘is on the Cards’ – Professor 06:06 05.01.2019 With 2019 beginning and the EU as fractured as ever, increasing scrutiny has been placed by leading economists on the bloc’s single currency the EU. Which they argue has caused more harm than good. Sputnik spoke with Stavros Mavroudeas, Professor of Political Economy at the University of Macedonia for...

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