(Dan here… Via Real News Network, Bill Black discusses the what-ifs of President Trump’s policies in a spectacular contrast to current expectations…providing. a jumping off point from what we expect from the way it is framed now. I assume the complex interalationships of the wealthy elites (let us see how the Epstein case unwinds for another aspect) plays an important but not so well known role in this drama. I find his thought his conclusions dismaying...
Read More »Life-Altering Copyright Lawsuits Could Come to Regular Internet Users Under a New Law Moving in the Senate — Ernesto Falcon
Intellectual "property." Electronic Frontier FoundationLife-Altering Copyright Lawsuits Could Come to Regular Internet Users Under a New Law Moving in the Senate Ernesto Falcon | Legislative Counsel at the Electronic Frontier Foundation with a primary focus on intellectual property and open Internet issues.
Read More »On Gerrymandering: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government”
On Gerrymandering: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government” Previously I have written that the Fourteenth Amendment specifically provides for a reduction in representation for any state that engages in voter suppression. Section Two of the Fourteenth Amendment provides in part: “[W]hen the right to vote at any election … is denied to any … citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged,...
Read More »IPA’s weekly links
WHO measles surveillance dataGuest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action Thanks for being patient while the links were sleeping, expect some summer disruptions of schedule as wellMeasles cases are up 300% over last year with outbreaks in the U.S., Europe, The Philippines, Myanmar, and several African countries. I heard a PSA that adults vaccinated before a certain period (when the vaccine process changed) might no longer be immune. So I got checked and sure enough I wasn’t,...
Read More »Kiribati is Low But Not as low as Whale Shit at the Bottom of the Ocean
It is possible to cause a huge (short term possibly reversed) increase in carbon capture by algae by dumping iron sulfate in the ocean. On the other hand, uh, well, maybe it won’t work and you will just get a few tons of fish (not many tons of carbon containing detritus on the bottom of the ocean. Now the general principal seems to be that, so long as there isn’t proof beyond reasonable doubt that a proposal will work, to stick to the tried and true and...
Read More »Trump Claims Obstruction of Justice is an Official Duty of the White House
Trump Claims Obstruction of Justice is an Official Duty of the White House Tierney Sneed reports on Trump’s latest obstruction of justice: The Justice Department on Monday issued a legal opinion claiming that Congress could not compel former White House Counsel Don McGahn to testify about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. The opinion was released not long after reports that the White House was planning to instruct McGahn to not comply with a...
Read More »Justice Stevens Shoots At Gun Decision
Justice Stevens Shoots At Gun Decision Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, now 99 years old, has written a book, The Making of a Justice: My First 94 Years. Apparently he considers the District of Columbia versus Heller decision to be the worst of all those that was made during his time on the Supreme Court, that one on a 5-4 vote. That decision upended the interpretations of the Second Amendment that had been in place since the amendment...
Read More »What if Trump does not leave If He Loses in 2020?
There is a number of comments and commentary about the 2020 election and what if Trump refuses to leave. I put up a few and also a good article from Vox. – A comment (ken_lov) stolen from another site I frequent and read from time to time: “From time to time on other websites I’ve outlined a scenario where the Supreme Court agrees with Trump that the 2020 election was irreparably tainted by fraud and interference from abroad, and consequently issues an...
Read More »Nailed it!
Nailed it! Three weeks ago I wrote No, the Meuller report ***DID NOT*** “find no collusion!” in which I lambasted and parsed Barr’s conclusory snippet of the Mueller report, to wit, that “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” I pointed out that: … the bracketed [T] in Barr’s quote of Mueller is doing a lot of work. Because...
Read More »The Extreme Limits of Human Dishonesty and Stupidity
This is a follow up on my post on joy and sorrow. I feel great joy at having found the ultimate abyss of idiocy, but I fear http://rjwaldmann.blogspot.com/2017/10/mysterious-ways.html The competition for worst possible argument was provoked by the fact that former White House counsel Don McGahn told Mueller’s team that (sadly) current President Donald Trump twice told him to get Mueller fired and then told him to deny that “fake news” when it was...
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