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Tag Archives: Nixon resigns

We Dropped the Ball …

by Ten Bears Homeless on the High Desert, August 9, 2024 in g’da said Fifty Years Ago last night, Aug 8th, President Nixon shocked the country & the world in a lengthy address at 9pm est where he announced his resignation, effective the next day. It felt like the system was working. But I’m not sure it was We dropped the ball, my generation, we stopped The War! Our War. Viet Nam But we didn’t stop War. We forced Nixon to...

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Thinking back 50 years to Nixon’s resignation.

Thinking back to President Nixon's resignation in 1974 due to the Watergate scandal, it almost seems juvenile by today's level of scandals. Nevertheless, Nixon resigned. (He would have been impeached by the Senate anyway, most likely.)Now we have a geriatric, senile old man who can't find his way off a stage or put intelligible sentences together and who is under pressure from his own party but won't step down for the good of the country. The total collapse of integrity and accountability...

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