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Tag Archives: Politics & Society

Chomsky’s critique of postmodernism

Chomsky’s critique of postmodernism .[embedded content] One of Chomsky’s primary critiques of postmodernism lies in its epistemological stance. Chomsky argues that postmodern scepticism about objective knowledge can undermine the pursuit of scientific inquiry, which relies on the assumption that there are objective truths waiting to be discovered. Chomsky’s criticisms are forceful reminders of the pitfalls of extreme relativism and scepticism, and yours...

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Nazis, made in Austria

Nazis, made in Austria .[embedded content] Der Schmerz, die Nazi-Gräueltaten zu beobachten, umfasst auch die moralischen und ethischen Fragen, die er aufwirft. Wie konnte eine zivilisierte Gesellschaft in solche Barbarei abrutschen? Wie konnten Menschen an solchen abscheulichen Taten teilnehmen oder ein Auge zudrücken? Dennoch finden wir gerade beim Zeugen dieser Geschichte auch ein Gefühl der Verantwortung. Das Beobachten, wie die Nazis — sowohl deutsche...

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I Have A Dream

I Have A Dream .[embedded content] These days mark the 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King delivering his famous speech I Have A Dream at the March on Washington, which stands as one of the most iconic moments of the American civil rights movement. The speech is still relevant today because it visualizes a dream the society has not achieved yet. Martin Luther King’s influence on civil rights and social justice is indelible. His dedication to nonviolent...

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Göran Greider — veckans dumstrut

Göran Greider — veckans dumstrut Bör Sverige ställa upp med JAS-plan i Ukraina? … Det är ett genuint moraliskt dilemma. Ukrainas kamp mot aggressorn är rättfärdigt från början till slut. Och bara Ukraina ska avgöra när något som liknar fredsförhandlingar ens är tänkbara. Så är det. Men risken med ett kraftigt förstärkt ukrainskt flygvapen är att kriget trappas upp och att det varar ännu längre, med ännu fler döda. Jag menar att Sverige inte bör skicka...

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The paradox of tolerance

The paradox of tolerance Culture, identity, ethnicity, gender, and religiosity should never be accepted as a basis for intolerance in political and civic aspects. In a modern democratic society, people belonging to these different groups must be able to rely on society to protect them against the abuses of intolerance. All citizens must have the freedom and right to question and leave their own group. Against those who do not accept this tolerance, we must...

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Tiptoeing around religion

It is time to reverse the prevailing notion that religious commitment is intrinsically deserving of respect, and that it should be handled with kid gloves and protected by custom and in some cases law against criticism and ridicule. It is time to refuse to tip-toe around people who claim respect, consideration, special treatment, or any other kind of immunity, on the grounds that they have a religious faith, as if having faith were a privilege-endowing virtue, as if it were...

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