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Tag Archives: Uncategorized

What inequality?!

from David Ruccio Economic inequality in the United States and around the world is now so obscene, and has convinced more and more people to do something about it, that the business press has initiated a campaign to deny its very existence. They and the folks they represent are losing the battle of public opinion. And they’ve decided to do something about it. First up was the Economist, the “newspaper” of record for liberal capitalism [ht: sk], claiming that new research undermines the...

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Hubungan Antara Teknologi dan Guru Bahasa Inggris

Teknologi memiliki dampak besar pada pendidikan dan cara kita belajar, dan sektor pembelajaran bahasa Inggris tidak terkecuali. Pembelajaran teknologi dan bahasa memiliki sejarah panjang. Jika kita kembali ke tahun 1980-an, ledakan dalam komputasi rumah mulai mengubah cara kita belajar. Baru-baru ini munculnya internet dan pengenalan papan tulis interaktif juga memiliki efek dramatis pada ruang kelas. Contoh seperti, di Cambridge Assessment English, kami telah menempatkan banyak...

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Where’s the Barefoot Revolution in economics?

from Blair Fix Yesterday I was reminded of what got me interested in economics. I’ll preface this by saying that I make my living as a substitute teacher in Toronto. It’s not glamorous, but it pays the bills. It gives me time to do research from outside academia. When I’m in high school classrooms, I always browse the posters on the wall. It’s funny what you see. You find things (both good and bad) that you’d never see in institutions of ‘higher learning’. It’s a daily source of amusement...

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Is economics — really — predictable?

from Lars Syll As Oskar Morgenstern noted already back in his 1928 classic Wirtschaftsprognose: Eine Untersuchung ihrer Voraussetzungen und Möglichkeiten, economic predictions and forecasts amount to little more than intelligent guessing. Making forecasts and predictions obviously isn’t a trivial or costless activity, so why then go on with it? The problems that economists encounter when trying to predict the future really underlines how important it is for social sciences to incorporate...

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Petition and statement on violence at Jawaharlal Nehru University

To sign on to this letter, please click here. We are shocked and horrified to learn of the terrible attack on the Jawaharlal Nehru University on the evening on 5 January 202, by a group of armed goons who targeted a peaceful gathering of teachers and students. We note that this terrible event comes in the wake of a prolonged struggle by the students against a fee hike that would force nearly half of them to abandon their studies, and after an even longer series of protests by the faculty...

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Consumed by fire (crosspost from Crooked Timber)

(Most of this will be familiar to regular readers of this blog. But it seems simplest to crosspost the whole thing, rather than do a separate version). It’s been hard to think straight with the fires that have burned through most of Australia for months. Brisbane was among the first places affected, with the loss of the historic Binna Burra lodge, on the edge of a rainforest, a place where no one expected a catastrophic fire. But, as it turned out, we got off easy compared to the...

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If all goes to plan, I will be on CNN International Newsroom at 3pm Brisbane time talking about economic impact of #AustralianFires My preliminary estimate of costs, at least $100 billion. Share this:Like this:Like Loading...

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Three types of models – 5

from Asad Zaman It is important to understand that there are three type of models, corresponding the following diagram. The simplest type of model is a pattern in the data that we observe. A second type of model is a “mental model”. This is a structure we create in our own minds, in order to understand the patterns that we see in the observations. The third type of model is a structure of the hidden real world, which generates the patterns that we see. Some examples will be helpful in...

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How to teach econometrics

from Lars Syll Professor Swann (2019) seems implicitly to be endorsing the traditional theorem/proof style for teaching econometrics but with a few more theorems to be memorized. This style of teaching prepares students to join the monks in Asymptopia, a small pristine mountain village, where the monks read the tomes, worship the god of Consistency, and pray all day for the coming of the Revelation, when the estimates with an infinite sample will be revealed. Dirty limited real data sets...

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