Wednesday , June 26 2024
Home / Video / [210] Cullen Roche on record buybacks and Alex Daley on mobile strategy

[210] Cullen Roche on record buybacks and Alex Daley on mobile strategy

There has been a lot of “conscious uncoupling” lately. First, you have Coldplay frontman Chris Martin and Madame Paltrow (who, by the way, coined the term conscious uncoupling); then there’s Ebay and Paypal; and now Hewlett and Packard. That’s right; Hewlett Packard is the latest to jump on the conscious uncoupling bandwagon. Erin weighs in. ...

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There has been a lot of “conscious uncoupling” lately. First, you have Coldplay frontman Chris Martin and Madame Paltrow (who, by the way, coined the term conscious uncoupling); then there’s Ebay and Paypal; and now Hewlett and Packard. That’s right; Hewlett Packard is the latest to jump on the conscious uncoupling bandwagon. Erin weighs in.

Then, Erin sits down with Alex Daley – senior editor of Casey Extraordinary Technology and chief technology investment strategist at Casey Research – to talk about current tech trends. After the break, Erin is joined by Cullen Roche – founder of Orcam Financial Group and author of “Pragmatic Capitalism” – to discuss record buybacks and what they mean.

And in The Big Deal, Erin and Edward Harrison review all the news surrounding Bitcoin. Take a look!

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Cullen Roche
Former mail delivery boy turned multi-asset investment manager, author, Ironman & chicken farmer. Probably should have stayed with mail delivery....

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