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Get ready for a bounce.

February is seasonally a BIG fiscal month. Markets will bounce.

Mike Norman considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:

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February is seasonally a BIG fiscal month. Markets will bounce.
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. we replaced the dumbest guy in the world with the ACTUAL dumbest guy in the world…

    • @NoExitLoveNow as i originally stated…. am i sposed to start crying now?? lol

      i can think of something much more stupid after stupid… those that hated him the most turned to him for heath info & weather reports as you just shown us. that is some real funny shit.

    • @Punch_Bowl_Turd stupid after stupid after stupid

    • @NoExitLoveNow again. you're not telling me anything new and the stupid after stupid still continues from govt itself & those that believe govt is there to benefit the people..

    • @NoExitLoveNow yeah he rambles… The virus turned out to be a tool for those to implement draconian edicts and mandates. I'll take a rambling bafoon that says what's on his mind over a puppet with the worlds arm up his ass telling me I'll own nothing and be happy.

    • @R O Y G B I V millions of deaths were not due to lockdowns or mask- wearing, and certainly not because of vaccines. I lost friends to the virus and have friends with on-going side-effects from the virus .

  2. he was bearish right at the bottom of the market. he said don't worry that sentiment is bearish because its all about the fiscal flow. the market rallied and he told you to sell the rallies. the market rallied some more he was so wrong that he flipped and said the government is no longer running a surplus 🙂 does anybody still believe anything this clown say?!

    • Mike Norman MMT Economics

      If you go back to my video of Feb 2, when I said, "Here's why I am still bearish on the market," the S&P March futures contract was at 4535, then it dipped down to 4438. Now I am turning and it's at 4475, so that's profit. Look, this is trading. Things change. You would be a fool and just sit with a losing position. February budget swung rapidly to deficit. I follow my analysis.

    • Mike Norman MMT Economics

      Who the fuck are you, anyway? Get lost dumbshit.

  3. Did you hear the Biden administration said they have "reputable annonymous" sources indicating that Russia plans a false flag? Reputable and annonymous… lmfao… Then bloomberg accidentally leaked an article "Russia invades Ukraine". And how are we not to think that this virus wasn't dropped on China, Iran, and Italy? just hilarious how crude the propagandists are.

  4. Banks: Loans to Assets lowest since 1950?

    • I thought loans WERE assets.

    • @Nicholas Gomez regardless of how measure, loans and leases as a % of bank assets have dropped, meaning less of assets are in form of loans. important?

    • @B B household debt maintenance is at historic low. This means that there is more room to borrow ( and banks increase loans) which can support the market while the fiscal is reduced and argued over. I doubt, however, that the economy is robust enough to have loans carry it for as long as they did in the 1990s during the Clinton Surpluses.

  5. Who has moved 100k + troops and war toys up to its border?

    • Mike Norman MMT Economics

      Russia's troops are INSIDE RUSSIA. Russia has every right to station or move troops inside its territory. Jesus Christ, the U.S. has troops stationed in just about every country in the fucking world.

    • @Mike Norman MMT Economics let’s not invoke ‘’whatsboutisms’. The US isn’t the one threatening in this situation. If Putin was going to go in, he wouldn’t have announced his intent. He would have just done it like he did in Crimea. This is just a move to increase oil and gas prices… and it worked.

    • NATO, Europe, and the US had no choice but to react. How should they have reacted? Nobody is threatening to invade Russia.

  6. i think ur naive to not be open to the possibility that this administration is self destructing the country this way on purpose but hey i could be wrong

  7. Herrera Sepulveda Gerardo Pastor

    Why didn't you said that two weeks ago? Now it could be too late to buy the dip on that kind of companies you mention.

    • បេះដូង

      LOL. That's the way he is. Personally I wouldn't buy here unless you're just trading short term or daytrading as it can easily revisit the January low again and also the upside is limited. When Mike like everyone else turned really bearish at the end of January, I bought the dip, and when he turns really bullish, I suggest you buy puts and shorts. Ha ha

  8. Here at Toyota Indiana, they took half of employee parking for staging because the railroad is jammed up. Not taking finished vehicles.

  9. The U.S. gov. loves to keep fear of a boogey man alive. The news loves it too. What else does the news have to broadcast but the latest boogeyman news?

  10. People are surviving day by day …. We don’t have future profits to look forward to like the oil industry has banked on…. Love your show

  11. A bounce? So there won’t be a surplus and deficit spending back up? Thats great news..

  12. I still do not understand why people voted for Biden.

    • I don't understand how Biden was even considered for the position. The people of that party should be ashamed of what they put together here. T was only marginally better. We need better groups of people. Should just fire them all and re start.

    • it was more of a anti-trump vote.

  13. The Honest Broker

    Expected events, particularly those expected with very high confidence, shouldn't move markets much.

  14. Hey Mike, you should stick to talking about economics and investment instead of foreign policy. I don't think you know what you're talking about pertaining to Russian aggression against Ukraine. Putin is the aggressor here, not the US. Putin is the one that has amassed his troops in contemplation of invading Ukraine. Biden and our allies are right to make it unambiguously clear to Putin that an invasion will come at a heavy cost. That's the best way to make Putin think twice. Zelensky knows this as well but he's trying to avoid threats to his economy by downplaying what he knows is likely imminent.

    • Mike Norman MMT Economics

      Stop listening to the lying mainstream media Bill.

    • Mike Norman MMT Economics

      The U.S. reneged on promises made to both Gorbachev and Yeltsin with regard to further eastern expansion of NATO. Since then NATO has encircled Russia with nuclear capable missiles. (Imagine if Russia, China or Iran were to put nuclear capable missile launchers on the borders of Canada and Mexico?) The U.S. instigated the 2014 maidan coup. There is ample evidence of this. Yanukovich at the time acceded to all the demands of the opposition, but the coup ensued anyway, and it cost a lot of innocent lives. Crimeans voted in a referendum to rejoin Russia. They saw what happened in Kiev and how the government was seized by a neo-Nazi regime and wanted no part of it. Moreover, it was NATO and the U.S. intention to seize the port at Mariopol on the Black Sea. This is Russia's largest naval base. Russia's concerns are legitimate. The world owes Putin a debt of gratitude that there hasn't been a nuclear war by now because of ceaseless U.S. belligerence, attacks or attempted attacks on Russia's sovereignty, illegal sanctions, efforts to destroy the country's economy (that's the same as a war declaration) and constant smearing of Russia. Putin has shown enormous restraint. The troops currently positioned near the Ukraine border are INSIDE RUSSIA, and it has every right to position or move troops within its own territory. Putin has been trying to peacefully resolve the situation with the West, but Washington is foolishly against it, because of a bunch of maniacal warmongers who will eventually get us all killed. Even Zelensky himself has said to the West in no uncertain terms to tone down the hostile rhetoric. It's insane what's going on, and I will continue to speak out against these warmongering assholes. That's all the USA does is wage fucking war. It's sickening.

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