Wednesday , September 18 2024
Home / Video / U.S. U.K. to launch missiles deep into Russia.

U.S. U.K. to launch missiles deep into Russia.

Insanity on steroids.

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Insanity on steroids.
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. Thanks Mike, your observations on the markets are much appreciated.

  2. @andreytsarukyan3627

    Mike, you are very good at mmt and investing, understanding macro and so on, but you have no idea about Russia and the regim

  3. @eatlaughandstupid4430

    thanks Mike!

  4. C'mon man it's the eight or ninth time Putin's rattled that sabre, just bluster.

  5. Good I need a market pull back, sitting in 453k

  6. The free world must not back down. It will be a free world or no world.

  7. They Will alkor ukraine to launch missiles* not launch missiles themselves…

  8. Hi Mike, I am from CE Europe (Poland, Switzerland). We have a bully in our yard. We can't stand Trump and all people that look at their own interest (mostly in US). Trying to promote Trump and "peace" by giving Russia the land they grabbed and looted is beyond unhuman AND is very, very bad move towards global peace. Unfortunately many ppl in US especially seem not to understand it – therefore Putin has great way in using his nuclear threat over and over again. Imagine – you are attacked, murdered and your kids raped and you want to stop here give him what he wants bcause you are affraid of ppl dying?? Cmon man… You would fight till your death for you and your kids, I know you would. I have many Ukrainian ladies around me (Switzerland) with 3-4 kids that lost their husbands etc.. You don't think from some distant chair in US IF to use any weapons then man. Pls understand that from most of EU people perspective – US is very sluggish and slow in reactions, although I understand they try to balance the act in someway. Please have in mind also that China is secretly weaponize Russia from 2024 reports. Not allowing UKR using west weapons is just RIDICULOUS. Understand that Putin's regime is about to collapse. The sooner the better. If you don't stop him now the cost rises (also for US), you will see what happens when your pupil Trump gets his way, prepare for real war and world disruption as Europe will be left alone and it will be direct clash btween EU and Russia (China's dream).

  9. The future's bright….the future's orange…
    Shits gonna get real,real close to home.!

  10. NATO has made yet another mistake that ends up costing lives, and $$. Nato and its allies are totally clueless.

  11. Keep it up Mike, great stuff as per usual

  12. Mike spot on, we don't want to escalate, we want to secure a stable equilibrium as was done during the cold war which secured the longest period of global peace ever

  13. US is liable to murder-su!cide the world in a violent tantrum because it's no longer the sole super power🙄and people no longer know what MAD stands for

  14. So much crap on youtube these days, everyone thinks they have something to say… Mike is one of the few channels worth watching..
    Thanks Mike! I worked in this business for years and hearing Mike talk reminds me of being in the morning meeting listening to the traders give their roundup… Real deal stuff… No BS

  15. How dare Ukraine launch missiles deep into Russia after Russia launched missiles deep into Ukraine…😁
    Sure they have nukes and it's scary but, if everyone had them in 1939 would we have just said to Hitler 'Sure take Poland'?
    Ukraine cannot just allow a slow war of attrition to ware them down as it's clear Putin is happy to sacrifice millions of his own young men for years for his folly, so they're stepping up and calling Putin's bluff and trying to force him into negotiations.

  16. Mike, you’re absolute right- the neocons (Blinken, Sullivan, etc) are escalating us into WWIII – it’s nuts!

  17. Biden last night Bloomberg finalized Trump Tarriffs against China, consequences reduction in trade with China to USA China dumps trillions of USD, how does this effect the stock market indexes?

  18. USA spending 100+ billion on ukraine actually means its WW3..nobody wants to say it is though except me

  19. Fck Russia, they shouldn't invade Ukraine in the first place

  20. Iran and NK allow their missiles to be fired deep into UK.

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