Saturday , July 27 2024
Home / Video / Tucker Carlson doesn’t understand money.

Tucker Carlson doesn’t understand money.

There’s no dangerous and destructive tsunami of dollars coming to the United States. 

Mike Norman considers the following as important:

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There’s no dangerous and destructive tsunami of dollars coming to the United States. 
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. @danieldeblasio9368

    Tucker Carlson is a trust fund baby. I like Tucker, but I don't always agree with him.

  2. you are worng Mike. Farmer who gets the dollar from Chinese will spend here and that will create inflation. More dollars spending by american entity inside US will increase inflation. Farmers won't keep the money on the ledges in the banks they will spend it

    • Spending does not automatically mean inflation. The question is spending for what? Spending can be deflationary when spent for productive purposes.

  3. LOL…. love Tucker and love the Tucker impersonation… good stuff

  4. We Want to see Blond Hair Again — I assume when talking about Podcasts you mean Political — The Podcasts I like mostly revolve around short term trading — which I know you caution against. An Example would Be Frank Curzios podcast (Apple etc). or "Macro Voices" which has revolving guests but the cycle is about 6 months.

  5. You are 100% correct about podcasts. I can’t listen anymore. If Rogan goes on one more trans rant I will become a narcoleptic.

  6. @homeyoutubechannel6609

    Excellent TC laugh😂

  7. Mike norman you are the best economist in the world. And you be careful sparring man

  8. Behind the Bastards and Debunking economics are good podcasts.

  9. Lex Friedman is boring

  10. 12:30 – yup, there's a lot of activity going out in the Gulf near the Heads of Passes. I always see tankers, active drill wells/rigs/platforms and drill ships when passing through the Gulf.

  11. ❤👁

  12. If you're going to watch podcasts have a look at applied mmt or any other mmt podcast.

  13. 9:45 "This is irrational, ignorant fear". = TuckerC 💯 %.
    13:45 "Keep your food/steel". Trump ran on paying entire natl debt by reneging &… SELLING land.

  14. People who are too dumb to learn this stuff don't deserve money.

  15. 19:46 that's what she said

  16. Maybe it is not going to happen, but what Tucker might mean, that there would be a sort of competition to exchange usd to American goods and companies might want to pay premium to do it. Export prices inflation can bring internal prices higher.

  17. As I understand it, the only way to get rid of USD is trade them with someone for another currency, or exchange them for US goods and services. You could think of USD as pre-sold coupons for US products, like Amazon coupons. It's a guarantee someone is going to buy US stuff

  18. I miss your podcasts. I was learning a lot from them.

  19. Looking to get the book at the library. I'm way ahead of you on the podcast thing. Stopped listening months ago. Might listen to a podcast here and there. A good podcast is radiolab podcast.

  20. Are you interested in Turkish markets? Any opinions regarding TRY?

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