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Home / Mike Norman Economics / IMF Urges Post-Pandemic Stimulus to Avoid Depression Mistake — Rich Miller

IMF Urges Post-Pandemic Stimulus to Avoid Depression Mistake — Rich Miller

The International Monetary Fund wants policy makers to avoid repeating the Depression-era mistake of ratcheting back budget deficits. Instead, it’s urging them to ramp up fiscal stimulus when the coronavirus contagion starts to abate.…  This doesn’t sound all that different from the prescription of Modern Monetary Theory proponents -– a heterodox economic school that contends countries such as the U.S. can run bigger budget shortfalls without worrying about going broke because they print their own money.... Yahoo FinanceIMF Urges Post-Pandemic Stimulus to Avoid Depression MistakeRich Miller, Bloomberg

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The International Monetary Fund wants policy makers to avoid repeating the Depression-era mistake of ratcheting back budget deficits. Instead, it’s urging them to ramp up fiscal stimulus when the coronavirus contagion starts to abate.
 This doesn’t sound all that different from the prescription of Modern Monetary Theory proponents -– a heterodox economic school that contends countries such as the U.S. can run bigger budget shortfalls without worrying about going broke because they print their own money....
Yahoo Finance
IMF Urges Post-Pandemic Stimulus to Avoid Depression Mistake
Rich Miller, Bloomberg
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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