Saturday , September 7 2024
Home / Sergio Cesaratto: Politica and EconomiaBlog / Video, ancora sulla Corte tedesca

Video, ancora sulla Corte tedesca

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Sergio Cesaratto considers the following as important: , , , , , , , ,

This could be interesting, too:

Sergio Cesaratto writes On an unknown element of the Eurosystem monetary governance

Sergio Cesaratto writes Danni collaterali del rialzo dei tassi

Matias Vernengo writes Sharing Central Banks’ costs and profits of monetary policy in the euro area

Sergio Cesaratto writes Europa, debito, governo (da Il Sussidiario)

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Video, ancora sulla Corte tedesca

Sergio Cesaratto
Sergio Cesaratto (Rome, 1955) studied at Sapienza, where he graduated under the direction of Garegnani in 1981 and received his doctorate in 1988. He obtained a Master's degree in Manchester in 1986. He worked as a researcher at CNR where he was of Innovation Economics. In 1992 he became a researcher at La Sapienza, and then associate professor in Siena where he teaches Economic Policy and Development Economics.

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