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In-Box Topics Over the Last Few Weeks

In-Box Topics as discovered in my In-Box and accumulate every week. I can’t post them all even though I read or scan them. Maybe you will enjoy them? Healthcare Politics Engaging Antiracist And Decolonial Praxis To Advance Equity In Oregon Public Health Surveillance Practices, Health Affairs, This has consequences for how communities of color are represented or misrepresented, viewed, and valued and for what is prioritized and viewed as legitimate cause for action. Activists ask again for reinstatement of Arkansas Medicaid benefits lost in 2023 ‘unwinding,’ Arkansas Advocate, Arkansas Medicaid recipients held the latest of several protests in front of the state Department of Human Services headquarters Wednesday, asking the agency again

Bill Haskell considers the following as important: , , , , ,

This could be interesting, too:

Bill Haskell writes Sites and Claims Creating a False Narrative Attributed Kamala Harris’s Campaign

Bill Haskell writes More on Arizona Politics and one particular representative

Bill Haskell writes Reprising Arizona, November’s Prop 138, and Driving

Joel Eissenberg writes California dreaming

In-Box Topics as discovered in my In-Box and accumulate every week. I can’t post them all even though I read or scan them. Maybe you will enjoy them?

Healthcare Politics

Engaging Antiracist And Decolonial Praxis To Advance Equity In Oregon Public Health Surveillance Practices, Health Affairs, This has consequences for how communities of color are represented or misrepresented, viewed, and valued and for what is prioritized and viewed as legitimate cause for action.

Activists ask again for reinstatement of Arkansas Medicaid benefits lost in 2023 ‘unwinding,’ Arkansas Advocate, Arkansas Medicaid recipients held the latest of several protests in front of the state Department of Human Services headquarters Wednesday, asking the agency again for broader health care coverage and the reinstatement of those who were disenrolled last year but still eligible.

Health Care’s Role In Ending Homelessness, Health Affairs, Housing—and the lack of access to it—has long been recognized as a critical social determinant of health.

Former Surgeon General’s Exorbitant ED Bill: Impact of ‘Cover Your Ass’ Care, MedPage Today, Jerome Adams, MD, MPH, sits down with MedPage Today to discuss his recent $10,000 ED bill.

AHRQ’s Healthcare Extension Service—State-Based Solutions to Health Care Improvement, Health Care Quality | JAMA | JAMA Network. What would you do if you had $1 billion over 10 years and wanted to make a significant impact on health care delivery?

How Employers Can Help Reduce Employees’ High Health Care Cost Burdens, Health Affairs, Affordable health care is increasingly out of reach for people who get insurance through their employers, including most people younger than age 65. 

Fauci Denies ‘False Accusation’ of COVID Origins Cover-Up, MedPage Today, Fauci Denies ‘False Accusation’ of COVID Origins Cover-Up.


The Urge to Surge, The American Prospect, Businesses are hiking prices to take advantage of consumers. They learned it from Uber.

Japanese Banks Are Abandoning Toyota, jalopnik.com, Now, things are getting worse, with big banks looking to pull their money out of the automaker — though it doesn’t seem the turmoil is to blame.

The Urge to Surge, The American Prospect, Businesses are hiking prices to take advantage of consumers. They learned it from Uber . . . “dynamic pricing.” 

Why Auto Insurance Rates Are Out of Control, The American Prospect, The factors are partly structural, but also have to do with a corporate drive for profits and use of technology to precision-target customers.


Convicted felon’ billboard welcomes Trump back to Arizona, copper courier, “Trump already attacked Arizona’s democracy once,” the billboard reads. “Now he’s back as a convicted felon.”

Americans Are Leaving Both Parties. This Colorado City Shows Why, POLITICO, A Declaration of Independents: How we can break the two-party stranglehold and restore the American dream.


Revolution by Double-Decker, strap hanger blog, Buses are daunting for a newcomer to a city, especially if you’re only spending a few days there: it’s easy to figure out a subway/metro map, but bus routes tend to be less predictable, with lots of potential for construction changing routes.

Public Transportation Facts, American Public Transportation Association. ​Every $1 invested in public transportation generates $5 in economic returns.


In financial disclosure Thomas adds two “inadvertently omitted” trips from billionaire Crow, SCOTUSblog. Justice Clarence Thomas revealed on Friday that conservative billionaire Harlan Crow paid for two trips in 2019, involving a hotel stay in Bali, Indonesia, and at a private club in Sonoma County, Calif.

5 reasons Supreme Court ethics questions are more common now than in the past, the conversation, As a legal scholar who has studied judicial history, politics and ethics, my answer to each of these questions is “yes.”


15 Myths About Immigration Debunked, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Alex Nowrasteh of the Cato Institute offers nonpartisan facts in response to common myths about immigration.

The one-handed economist (one-handed-economist, Interesting Stuff, Americans (and many others) do not understand the dynamics of migration (=it’s not zero-sum).


Who is responsible for climate change? Oxfam, New Oxfam research finds that the richest among us were responsible for more carbon emissions than 5 billion people—the equivalent of 66 percent of humanity—in 2019.

Why Save Species? U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (fws.gov), Congress answered these questions in the preamble to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, recognizing that endangered and threatened species of wildlife and plants “are of aesthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and scientific value to the Nation and its people.” I

How far should we go in saving species from extinction? Grist, As the climate changes, many species are teetering on extinction. How far should we go to save them?

Their Dream Was to Build an Organic Farm. Then Elon Musk Moved In, texas monthly, The Tesla CEO has brought jobs to a historic community in Central Texas. Along the way, some locals say, his companies and suppliers have degraded the environment and upended a way of life.

No, your internet habits are not killing the planet, Carbon Upfront, Lloyd Alter, It’s probably less than the alternatives, it is not that big a problem, and there is a clear pathway to reducing them.


The Middle Class Will Pay the Price for Trump’s Tax Cuts for the Wealthy, Including Repealing the Affordable Care Act, Center for American Progress Action, Former President Donald Trump has proposed tax cuts of up to $400,000 for the wealthiest households—that middle-class Americans would fund through higher living costs.

America’s Biggest Tax Scam May Finally End, lever news, We look at TurboTax’s decades-long campaign to prevent the government from letting taxpayers file directly with them for free.

The Business of Bank Fees: How Public Alternatives Can Ensure Equitable Economic Participation, Roosevelt Institute. The financial costs of banking lock out millions of Americans from full economic participation. 


Freddie Mac’s Proposed Product Could Worsen Inflation, Employ America. Now is not the time to subsidize consumption for existing homeowners.

Rent monopoly crackdown continues as FBI raids corporate landlord for 18 Arizona properties, Copper Courier. Federal agents raided a property management company operating in Arizona as part of an investigation into price-fixing rent, marking a distinct escalation in the renewed push to enforce consumer protection laws.

A crisis is hitting your local drugstore. Why the slow demise of a 130-year-old family-owned pharmacy chain spells disaster for consumers, yahoo. American drugstores are caught in a perfect storm of factors: The wide-ranging retail apocalypse has made it more difficult than ever for brick-and-mortar businesses, with their expensive rents and staffing costs and post-pandemic fears about retail crime, to compete with Amazon and other low-overhead online sellers.


While We Were Obsessing About Trump’s Fate, What Was Joe Doing? annieasksyou . . .

Homeless on the High Desert, A Chronicle of the End Times since 2006 PE (pig era), Ten Bears.

Oregon’s primary — Dems sober up, giraffes win, Infidel753 Blog

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