Friday , July 26 2024
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The Angry Bear

Retail Shoplifting

I believe I have seen one boy walk out of a Frys with something in his arms. He did not pass through the cashier line but waited for the gates to open to the store and walked through the opposite way. Did the need whatever he had? I don’t know. The only thing this false narrative does is change the priorities from working on real issues to false issues. The author is correct. Stores should have more staff on hand to help customers, stock...

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Global Tech Outage

Angry Bear (I) found this in my in box this Friday morning. Not much of a scoop now as the world knows about the issue. Let’s talk about why this tech outage occurred. There does not appear to be a backup for failure of systems when one of significance fails. This baffles me as we always had a backup system in the past even if it was a manual lookup and a paper transaction. It appears we are too dependent on one layer of information and have...

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When you Leave, Please Put Out the Lights . . .

We live in a mixed community. I think we are the oldest couple in the area. We did not want to go to an older adult-type of setting. This community is bad enough with its HOA. On one side we have a young couple with a baby. They come to our house with their baby to enjoy dinner. Relaxing in our family room allows the baby to move around and her coming to me to sit in my lap . . . “up, up in her limited English.” So up she comes to my lap. She...

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Today’s Housing Supply Policies Hurting Tomorrow’s Housing Supply

Another take on Housing and Supply of Housing by Skanda Amarnath at the well-known Employ America. This follows or leads what New Deal democrat has been discussing at Angry Bear blog here, here, and here. When we bought into our single-family home, I was able to lock in a 2.6% 30 year mortgage. At this point in time 50% of my mortgage payment goes to principal. The city we live-in is building apartments like they never existed before. The housing...

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What’s So Hard About This?

Tom has it correct. I am not so sure I would want to be associated with the jackasses engaging in ageism. I am not far behind Biden in age. The initial debate was a shocker. A shocker where one person can speak lie after lie in front of millions of people and stand there looking justified in doing so. And those who support him and such behavior are no better. Tom Sullivan at HuLLaBaLoo, July 17, 2024 They’re both old. The Republican is a...

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Manafort Returns and Walks the Floor of the Republican National Convention

If you have not been watching, Manafort returns to Trump’s side. Forty-seven months in prison was too short for Manafort. And Trump reveals his ways by having him there. Convicted criminals’ side by side. And Democrats are in disarray over Biden or . . . “July 18, 2024,” Walking the floor of the Republican National Convention by Prof. Heather Cox Richardson Letters from and American Paul Manafort walking onto the floor of the...

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Geoengineering and the global climate crisis

Global heating continues unabated. While decarbonizing our energy sources is certainly important, it is too late to prevent global disaster. Coastal flooding, desertification, wildfires will continue to increase, driving vulnerable populations to migrate and igniting resource wars for fresh water and arable land. It’s already driving migration and violence in the Middle East and Central America.We must find a way to decarbonize the atmosphere on a...

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Increasing Jobless Claims Resulting from Seasonality?

Jobless claims join other data series inching in the direction of yellow caution territory – by New Deal democrat Ever since jobless claims started higher in May, I’ve cautioned that I suspected that unresolved seasonality may be at play. We are now at the point where claims were at their low points for all last summer. In other words, last week through next weeks are the acid test for that hypothesis. Last week the news was good. This week it...

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by Tom Walker Econospeak Book proposal: Marx’s Fetters and the Realm of Freedom: a remedial reading — part 2.3  Inversion Marx stated repeatedly in the Grundrisse that capital inverts the relationship between necessary and superfluous labour time. Capital both creates disposable time and expropriates it in the form of surplus value, reversing the nature-imposed priority of necessity before superfluity and making the performance of...

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Robert Reich and Sidekick Heather are having a listen-in to Trump’s Acceptance Speech and Lies

Tonight: Put on your seatbelts, watch your wallets, bring your parachute, and join us ( Just click on the link above to have access. And the timing?Friends, In just a few hours, Donald Trump — convicted felon, twice-impeached former president, denier of the results of the 2020 election, instigator of an attempted coup — will take the stage at the Republican National Convention and give his nomination acceptance speech. Will...

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