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The Angry Bear

Fed thinks It Might Cut its Benchmark Lending Rate This Year . . . Maybe

Washington CNN  Someone is hopeful a small decrease in the Fed Rate will impact the economy (housing, etc.) greatly. While it is a positive move over the next 6 or so months (just kidding), I can not see shall a huge decline in rates forthcoming after a decrease. We still have a ways to go. The Federal Reserve gave an important clue Wednesday that it will likely cut its Benchmark Lending Rate in the coming months. The move would pave the way...

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Deceleration All Around (including the bad stuff)

 – by New Deal democrat Angry Bear PM Take: It would seem like Fed Chair Powell feels good about the progress. The theme of the JOLTS report for June was “continued deceleration,” but no particular cause for concern. As we’ll see below, that’s because the “bad” metrics declined just as much as the “good” ones did.  To start with, job openings (blue in the graph below), a soft statistic that is polluted by imaginary, permanent, and trolling...

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Boomers were the yuppies, not the hippies

The “baby boom” began in 1946 and ended in 1964. I’m a boomer. In fact, I was born in the mathematical center of the baby boom. I was 14 when Woodstock happened.Boomers have been credited (or blamed) for the tumultuous ‘60s of civil rights and hippie fame. But that’s anachronistic. Here’s Louis Man and in his recent New Yorker article “What happened to the yuppie?”“Most of the baby boomers had nothing to do with the civil-rights movement or the...

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Pentagon orders review of Medals of Honor given for Wounded Knee Massacre

The military awarded 20 men its highest honor in the 1890s for their role in the incident, where hundreds were killed or injured. Wind flutters around the peace offerings of tobacco ties that line the fence at the Wounded Knee Memorial on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, on Monday, October 20, 2014. (Photo by Nikki Kahn/The Washington Post via Getty Images)  The Washington Post Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin formally ordered the...

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IRS tops $1 billion Mark in past-due taxes collected from millionaires

A properly or funded IRS is reaching out to various high-income constituents to collect back taxes. It appears their efforts are paying off in increasing tax collections, Compliance efforts continue involving high-wealth groups, corporations, partnerships. IRS July 11, 2024 WASHINGTON — Continuing compliance efforts under the Inflation Reduction Act by the Internal Revenue Service is resulting in increasing tax collections. The IRS announced...

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Climate Chaos will Halve our Wealth

by David Zetland The one-handed economist Sometimes you just want the answer I’ve been thinking of the costs of “staying in place” (in terms of consumption) while Climate Chaos damages arrive since I read 2052 a few years ago (my review). It works like this: CC means that free and useful ecosystem services (e.g., cleaning water, regulating temperatures) are turning into expensive and harmful ecosystem attacks (e.g., storms, floods, heat...

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Paul Dans departs, the Trump campaign disavows Project 2025. We knew nothing . . .

Important Alert: Update on Project 2025, Civil Discourse Claiming in a press release that they had “nothing to do” with Project 2025 and that it wasn’t “associated with the campaign or the President in any way.” In what appeared to be a closely related action to Paul Dans departure, the Trump campaign disavowed Project 2025. Of course not, Heritage Foundation took this on its own without the Republican party’s knowledge. Yeah, right . .....

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Jobs Report July 30, 2024. Time for the FED to Lower Fed Rates

The latest Jobs Report numbers I pulled off of the Bureau of Labor Statistics website. It would appear the FED has done its job in lowering inflation to the point the nation may slip into a recession. For the last couple of months this is what New Deal democrat has been reporting also. “In other words, if 2% inflation is a target and not a ceiling, the Fed need not wait any further before starting to trim interest rates lower.“ Latest Bureau...

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Rebalancing between New and Existing home sales

Repeat home sales were benign in May, forecast continued downtrend in shelter CPI in months ahead  – by New Deal democrat First, a brief administrative note: I am traveling this week, so posting is going to be sporadic and delayed. I’ll get to this morning’s JOLTS report later today or tomorrow morning. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at repeat home sales prices. To reiterate my focus, in the housing data I am looking at any...

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SCOTUS Term Limits, Immunity, and Ethical Behavior

I subscribe to Prof. Heather’s “Letters” site. Sometimes I will comment there in my usual style of discussion and providing information. Yesterday’s commentary is about SCOTUS and its drift away from neutrality in making its ever-lasting decisions. This is not about whether SCOTUS is a conservative or liberal court. Many of the previous courts have been conservative in their decisions. This SCOTUS has taken a stance of declaring some are immune to...

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