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The Angry Bear

Weekly Indicators for January 17 – 21 at Seeking Alpha

by New Deal democrat Weekly Indicators for January 17 – 21 at Seeking Alpha My Weekly Indicators post is up at Seeking Alpha. A few months ago, in the midst of the Boom, virtually every indicator across all time spectrums was positive. In the past months, we have begun to see the deterioration in that situation, as every week one or two more indicators in one or another part of the time spectrum have shifted to neutral or negative....

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Top 100 Economics Blogs

Angry Bear continues to make the Top 100 Economics Blogs from Intelligent Economist and Top 100 Economics Blogs and Websites from Feedspot (now for 2022). Econospeak (Barkley Rosser, pgl, Peter Dorman, Tom Walker) is in the financial section along with  Bonddad blog (New Deal democrat) and  Capital Ebbs and Flows (Joseph Joyce), and I am proud to say have a direct connection to Angry Bear (under general blogs…). Eric Kramer and Ken Melvin have...

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Tendentious libertarianism

I have a piece up at Science Based Medicine digging into some misleading claims by two authors of the Great Barrington Declaration about Anthony Fauci. Frankly I was surprised at how brazen some of the misrepresentations were. For example, they criticize Fauci for being in favor of school closures, but: . . . if you follow the link Kulldorff and Bhattacharya supply, what you will find is a Substack post that shows Fauci approved of school...

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Oil and SPR Reports, Gasoline Imports and Exports, and Gasoline Inventories

US oil inventories near 10 year low as Strategic Petroleum Reserve falls to yet another 19 year low; gasoline imports at a 53 week low; gasoline exports at an 82 week low; 3 week gasoline inventory increase is largest on record, RJS, Focusing on Fracking The Latest US Oil Supply and Disposition Data from the EIA US oil data from the US Energy Information Administration for the week ending January 14th indicated that due to a big jump in our oil...

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Simple Sabotage Field Manual

January 21, 2022 in g’da said, Homeless On the High Desert, Ten Bears Once top-secret CIA Simple Sabotage Field Manual … “Well this fun . . . Declassified June 16, 1976. “Regraded.” Ten Bears presents some methods I have seen work in business settings. Best bet, just nod your head and keep pushing. Organizations and Conferences Insist on doing everything through “channels.” Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite...

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A Flip in Oil Markets

A Flip In Oil Markets, Econospeak, Barkley Rosser  A long time ago, sometime before the 2008 crash, prices of Brent crude oil and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude ran close to each other.  WTI would from time to time would exceed Brent, with them kind of bouncing around as they moved along. This changed with the financial market crash of 2008, with Brent becoming chronically higher than WTI, nearly always by several dollars per barrel. For...

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One Unsigned Executive Order by Trump, December 16, 2020

This one letter is only the beginning of what will be exposed upon reading the Trump presidential documents recently released by SCOTUS in an 8-1 decision. In case you have not been keeping up with the news, x-president (sigh . . ) lost his fight in SCOTUS to prevent those documents relating to January 6th from being released. I suspect other documents will be released as a need for such to happen is revealed. There has been so much being hidden...

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In Defense of National Federation of Independent Business v. Department of Labor*

In Defense of National Federation of Independent Business v. Department of Labor*, Econospeak, Barkley Rosser On January 13, the US Supreme Court, by a vote of 6-3, blocked the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate.  The policy took the form of an emergency OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standard and would have required all firms with more than 100 workers to mandate vaccination or a testing regime as a condition for...

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Omicron has Peaked, Now What?

Coronavirus dashboard: Omicron has peaked; now what?, New Deal Democrat  – by New Deal democratLet’s start out with the good, or at least less catastrophic news: it’s almost certain that the Omicron wave has peaked in the US. In fact, the only Census region it is still up week over week is in the Midwest: In almost all of the areas hit hard early – Puerto Rico, and the NYC and DC metro areas – cases are down sharply since peaking....

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Swimming in a Pool Filled With Peanut Butter

American capitalism has an everpresent desire for increased profits. Over the course of history, corporations had increased profits largely due to increased population growth. As we have seen from new data coming from the 2020 Census, population growth is beginning to stabilize and flatten, yet corporations are still expected to perform regardless of market conditions, and if population growth is no longer the cosmic funnel of operating revenues,...

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