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Home / Lars P. Syll (page 149)
Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Folk som har otur när de försöker tänka …

Folk som har otur när de försöker tänka … Att olika åsikter möts är bra, och inte farligt. Det viktiga är att vi kan tala om dem på skolan – och det gör vi. Namnändringen är fortfarande en relevant fråga. Men inte för att alla förväntas hålla med om att “vita havet” har rasistiska konnotationer. Kanske är det helt enkelt dags att skapa en annan samhörighet än färgerna svart och vit, som våra två hav nu heter. Inga beslut har fattats. Men världen förändras...

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Beyond mathematical modelling

Mathematical modelling has now dominated the economics academy for so long that younger people that emerge from economic studies who are dissatisfied with what they are taught, cannot think beyond the modelling. They have been immersed in it so long that it is a kind of common sense to them. The idea that modelling is bound to be almost always irrelevant just does not compute for many. Yet they recognize that modern academic economics mostly does not provide any...

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‘New Keynesian’ macroeconomics

The standard NK [New Keynesian] model, like most of its predecessors in the RBC literature, represents an economy inhabited by an infinitely-lived representative household. That assumption, while obviously unrealistic, may be justified by the belief that, like so many other aspects of reality, the finiteness of life and the observed heterogeneity of individuals along many dimensions … can be safely ignored for the purposes of explaining aggregate fluctuations and their...

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MMT basics

We have already shown that deficit spending increases our collective savings. But what happens if Uncle Sam borrows when he runs a deficit? Is that wht eats up savings and forces interest rates higher? The answer is no. The financial crowding-out story asks us to imagine that there’s a fixed supply of savings from which anyone can attempt to borrow … MMT rejects the loanable funds story, which is rooted in the idea that borrowing is limited by access to scarce financial...

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Dann sind wir Helden

Dann sind wir Helden [embedded content] Ich glaub’ das zu träumen / die Mauer / Im Rücken war kalt / Die Schüsse reissen die Luft / Doch wir küssen / Als ob nichts geschieht / Und die Scham fiel auf ihre Seite / Oh, wir können sie schlagen / Für alle Zeiten / Dann sind wir Helden / Nur diesen Tag

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