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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Ergodicity (wonkish)

Time irreversibility and non-ergodicity are — as yours truly repeatedly has argued — extremely important issues for understanding what are some of the deep fundamental flaws of mainstream economics. Ole Peters presentation at Gresham College gives further  evidence why expectation values are irrelevant for understanding real-world economic systems. [embedded content]

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En plats nära mitt hjärta (personal)

En plats nära mitt hjärta (personal) Östra kyrkogården i Lund är en plats som alltid betytt mycket för mig. Hit har jag kommit många gånger för att söka tröst och vila för min själ. Tre av de människor jag älskat mest i mitt liv ligger begravda här. I dag tände jag ljus för dem alla — min hustru Kristina, min bror Peter, och min vän Bengt. RIP. [embedded content]

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La laïcité française

Le régime fondé en 1905 correspondait à une époque où la question religieuse était liée au catholicisme. Cent quinze ans plus tard, l’enracinement de l’islam la pose en termes différents. N’est-il pas légitime d’en réactualiser le contenu ? Jean-Louis Bianco, président de l’Observatoire de la laïcité: Ce serait une énorme erreur, non pas par rapport à l’islam, mais par rapport à la laïcité. La laïcité n’est pas tout à fait une valeur. Les valeurs, c’est la liberté,...

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Olivier Blanchard fordert generöser Subventionen statt Kredite

Olivier Blanchard fordert generöser Subventionen statt Kredite ZEIT ONLINE: Herr Blanchard, Deutschland hat gerade einen umfassenden Lockdown beschlossen, wie viele andere Staaten weltweit. Und der erste Lockdown ist noch nicht lange her. Glauben Sie, dass Unternehmen und Regierungen diesmal besser vorbereitet sind? Olivier Blanchard: Dieser zweite Lockdown hat ganz neue Dimensionen … Wir müssen die direkt und indirekt betroffenen Unternehmen und...

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Interpreting economic theory

The issue of interpreting economic theory is, in my opinion, the most serious problem now facing economic theorists. The feeling among many of us can be summarized as follows. Economic theory should deal with the real world. It is not a branch of abstract mathematics even though it utilizes mathematical tools. Since it is about the real world, people expect the theory to prove useful in achieving practical goals. But economic theory has not delivered the goods. Predictions...

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Georgy Sviridov

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Is economics value-free?

I’ve subsequently stayed away from the minimum wage literature for a number of reasons. First, it cost me a lot of friends. People that I had known for many years, for instance, some of the ones I met at my first job at the University of Chicago, became very angry or disappointed. They thought that in publishing our work we were being traitors to the cause of economics as a whole. David Card Back in 1992, New Jersey raised the minimum wage by 18 per cent while its neighbour...

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