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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Pelle Erobreren

Max von Sydow (1929-2020) was a Swedish actor who featured in more than 100 films and TV series. He made many memorable film roles, but the one that touched me most was as the father in Pelle Erobreren — based on Martin Andersen Nexö’s epic masterpiece. Bille August directed. Stefan Nilsson wrote the music. Max von Sydow made the performance of his life. And it breaks my heart every time I watch it. A legend is dead. Long live his memory. [embedded content]

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Interpreting regression coefficients (wonkish)

Interpreting regression coefficients (wonkish) When econometric and statistical textbooks present simple (and multiple) regression analysis for cross-sectional data, they often do it with regressions like “regress test score (y) on study hours (x)” and get the result y = constant + slope coefficient*x + error term. When speaking of increases or decreases in x in these interpretations, we have to remember that it is a question of cross-sectional data and...

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What is ‘effective demand’?

Economists of all shades have generally misunderstood the theoretical structure of Keynes’s The General Theory. Quite often this is a result of misunderstanding the concept of ‘effective demand’ — one of the key theoretical innovations of The General Theory. Jesper Jespersen untangles the concept and shows how Keynes, by taking uncertainty seriously, contributed to forming an analytical alternative to the prevailing mainstream general equilibrium framework: Effective demand is...

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Why does someone have to die?

Why does someone have to die? Till minnet av min vän Bengt Nilsson. Det gör fortfarande — efter två år — ont. Det känns ofta — som du brukade säga — ‘förtvivlat.’ Men jag minns också — skratten, glädjen, omtanken, den mäktiga intelligensen, den drastiska humorn, det starka sociala patoset. Livet går vidare, men kommer alltid att vara lite gråare, lite tristare, utan dig min käre vän. [embedded content]

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Public debt — how much is too much?

Public debt — how much is too much? .                                                                                                                              [embedded content] Public debt is normally nothing to fear, especially if it is financed within the country itself (but even foreign loans can be beneficent for the economy if invested in the right way). Some members of society hold bonds and earn interest on them, while others pay taxes that...

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Le ragioni del “No” all’euro: l’esempio della Svezia

Le ragioni del “No” all’euro: l’esempio della Svezia Per Lars Pålsson Syll l’eurozona non è mai stata in grado di mostrare significativi aumenti a livello di crescita economica dalla sua creazione, ed anzi non ha fatto che accentuare i problemi che in alcuni casi, vedi Grecia, hanno portato a dei veri e propri disastri. Uno degli argomenti portati a favore dell’euro era che, in caso di adesione, ci sarebbe stata una convergenza a lungo termine in termini di...

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Frankrikes sak är vår

Frankrikes sak är vår En lärare i historia och geografi i en av Paris förorter är det senaste offret för en terrorism med globala ambitioner. Läraren hade undervisat om yttrandefrihet och i detta syfte på en lektion i början av oktober visat magasinet Charlie Hebdos karikatyrteckningar av profeten Muhammed … Militanta islamister i stater och terrororganisationer har visat sig beredda att mörda för att tysta kritik mot deras tro varhelst i världen den...

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Rom i regnet (personal)

Rom i regnet (personal) .                                                                                                                                 [embedded content] Till Anna — som fick mig att överleva tre långa gymnasieår på Linnéskolan. Och till Ulf — som skriver den sorts musik som glömskan inte rår på. 

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