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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Monte Carlo simulations and NHST

Monte Carlo simulations and NHST In many social sciences p-values and null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) are often used to draw far-reaching scientific conclusions — despite the fact that they are as a rule poorly understood and that there exist altenatives that are easier to understand and more informative. Not the least using confidence intervals (CIs) and effect sizes are to be preferred to the Neyman-Pearson-Fisher mishmash approach that is so...

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Warum junge Leute die Türkei wollen verlassen

Warum junge Leute die Türkei wollen verlassen Erdoğan berichtete kürzlich: Bei einem Treffen in Berlin habe Merkel gesagt, in Deutschland studieren drei Millionen Menschen. Erdoğan brüstete sich dagegen mit acht Millionen Studenten in der Türkei und damit, dass die Zahl der Universitäten von 76 auf 206 gestiegen sei. Bittere Realität ist allerdings, dass kaum eine davon auf der Liste der besten 500 Universitäten der Welt steht. Der Anteil für Bildung im...

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Debunking NAIRU

In our extended NAIRU model, labor productivity growth is included in the wage bargaining process … The logical consequence of this broadening of the theoretical canvas has been that the NAIRU becomes endogenous itself and ceases to be an attractor — Milton Friedman’s natural, stable and timeless equilibrium point from which the system cannot permanently deviate. In our model, a deviation from the initial equilibrium affects not only wages and prices (keeping the rest of the...

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Mästarnas mästare — Bosse Larsson

Mästarnas mästare — Bosse Larsson Zlatan i all ära, men för mig kommer alltid den här grabben att vara nummer ett. Bosse Larsson spelade 16 säsonger i MFF. Han vann sex SM-guld och toppade skytteligan vid tre tillfällen. 1965 gjorde han 28 mål på 22 matcher. Denne legendar är — precis som yours truly — uppvuxen på Rosendalsvägen på Backarna i Malmö. 75 år idag. Grattis!

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How to become a Keynesian

How to become a Keynesian Until [2008], when the banking industry came crashing down and depression loomed for the first time in my lifetime, I had never thought to read The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, despite my interest in economics … I had heard that it was a very difficult book and that the book had been refuted by Milton Friedman, though he admired Keynes’s earlier work on monetarism. I would not have been surprised by, or...

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